The world cup is over and all of India celebrated this victory with joyousness, and also with relief. The magnificent trophy signifying this victory, now belongs to India. If this cup had gone to Pakistan or Sri-Lanka, this would have ushered in feelings of sadness and dejection. There would have been no vigils of celebrations that night nor would people have come out, in large numbers to express their joy. One heard, screams of excitement and revelry, unmatched in the history of the nation. All this because our cricketers, won the world cup, and it now belongs to us.
To whom it belongs makes a huge difference. If Sachin Tendulkar hits a four, and Gautam Gambhir hits six, the excitement is not the same. To the former, would more credit be given. An average spread at the king’s table, is more exciting than a sumptuous meal at the common man’s table. If the Bishop speaks, there are more listening/ believing ears, than if a priest or a lay person speaks, even though the lay man may be a better expositor of the truth, than the man in office.
A sweet whisper from a beloved may be worth more than thousands of words of the multitude. I have been with people for shopping, or for a meal, to the choicest of places and I have been intrigued, at the pricing structure of branded items, I often ask myself; does it make a difference where it comes from and whom it belongs. Maybe not so much to the well discerning mind, that knows where to find the best, perhaps with a little more effort they will find a bargain elsewhere at a reasonable price. Yet to the many the brands seems to make all the difference. When it comes to certain brands, you are assured of quality for the premium price you pay, or it may serve to boost their ego. Some in keeping with the brand policy even assure warranty and guarantee even for a year or more.
Our Christian faith is no different. There are many brands of religions, philosophies and ideas strewn around, and more keep getting dished out, now and then. Digressing a bit: Why have I included philosophies and ideas along with religions? Why am I not just comparing Christianity with another religious belief only? How can you hold a mere thought or idea on par with religion? For this we need to know that Christianity cannot be separated from one’s lifestyle and thinking. It includes and should animate our every action; hence, even an innocent and harmless thought or idea can be detrimental to life and may go against the very tenets of the faith. For this very reason, St. Paul would write: “See to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ”. Col 2:8 (also cfr. Eph. 5:6). You may have the best discerning mind but if you do not see the best that Christ has to offer then you have lost the bargain of life (Jn.10:10). Thus the humble poor in Christ need not worry if they hold on to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. (cfr. Hb. 12:2)
One should not compartmentalize the Christian faith in one’s life. The practice of the faith should influence every bit of our life. In other words the import of any philosophy or idea or thought that goes against the spirit of the Gospel is the same as dabbling in other religions. Hence any moral action and any belief in philosophies and ideas and thinking have some relevance to the Christian faith. One cannot say; “Yeh look! This particular philosophy, idea or practice has nothing to do with religion and hence is safe”. God help such false prophets who come in the name of the Lord! Therefore discernment is the basis of all that is done and this is achieved by not being conformed to this world but by being transformed by the renewal of our mind, that we may prove what the will of God is, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (cfr. Rom 12:2). The only thing to be warned about is this: do not seek the transformation of not being conformed to this world in the milieu of this world’s bedlam but rather seek it in the revelation of Christ.
Likewise, however a given thought or philosophy may be good or beautiful and may contain all truths yet it cannot easily be lapped-up even if it “reflects a ray of that truth which enlightens all men”. (Vat.II: Pope Paul VI, 28th Oct. 1965; Nostra Aetate; para. 2). Remember, where it belongs and to whom it belongs makes a difference. In other words, where it comes from, the source of such wisdom has always to be taken into consideration. I often find the theological breeds who quote from this document to justify their syncretism and unbridled religious dialogue with people of other religious background. Some have begun to see in these ‘rays’ the whole truth. Others have sold their valuable faith and have gone astray teaching others too to walk in the same folly in which they walk. The worst scenario is that of the many who do not know their own faith and have embarked on the treacherous road to dialogue and inculturation. They may hold a credit in theological learning’s, but being self conceited they have walked the way of destruction and leading the church of God also in the same direction. For this kind of pseudo-theologizing is an easy route to fame and self empowerment, even in the name of empowerment of others. Unfortunately, they have their patrons in the ruling elect.
I am shocked that they are more familiar with the Tukarams, the Geetas and the Slokas than the revealed Word of God. For these I may even have to be more explicit and specify the Bible as meaning the revealed Word of God. Those aspects of the Bible or the magisterium are used and manipulated to suit their way of thinking. Some boast of the so called Indian context and contextual theologizing, without reference to the scripture or magisterium, which often has a basis in humanistic philosophies and ideologies and appeals much to our insensate tastes. If Anna Hazare is the icon of anti-corruption in India, what do I call these theologians, are they are not the icons of corruption of the living faith; the very antithesis of the incorruptible faith. If that reflection of that ‘ray’ is so important then the same declaration would not have mandated thus: Indeed, she proclaims, and ever must proclaim Christ "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6), in whom men may find the fullness of religious life, in whom God has reconciled all things to Himself. (Vat.II: Nostra Aetate; para. 2).
How then can you explain the spread of eastern and other contaminated spiritualities in the Church which Christ has redeemed by his blood?
How can you explain the proclamation of a social Gospel which is aimed purely at human emancipation?
How can you explain the corruption of the revealed Word of God and even come out with a corrupted version of the Indian community Bible and have the many protesting voices suppressed?
How can practitioners of dialogue talk about a unity at the cost of compromise of one’s faith? Which is of higher value?
How can one talk about holistic health through New Age practices and beliefs? Perhaps, finding more meaning in them rather than the sacramental action!
How can one explain the non-discerned inculturation without being clear about its goal?
How can one build communities on humanistic and issue based agenda using the Word of God as a vehicle to be abused and misused?
Why are the ones who are protesting these evil branded as conservative, pro-Rome and watchdogs?
The list is endless and the many instances are scandalous and ones who protest have to face the hounding, maligning and persecutions as fanatics with fanatical zeal by their tormentors.
In the Scripture we have a model example of Christ who did not lap-up his own words when he discerned it came from Satan the father of lies. Was it because Satan was proclaiming a lie? Humanly speaking it was no lie. He was quoting the very Word of God. Jesus knew and in his actions has taught us how to go about the many deceptions of life; where it comes from and whom it comes from is significant. You cannot quote from a source which is rebellious and anti-church even if the whole world may recognize him or her as an eminent theologian. You cannot have the sayings of great men and non-Christian sources and scriptures to display it as truth and liberalism. A liberal attitude or action should lead to the right kind of liberty like the one Jesus offers. When one understands liberty and freedom only in the worldly sense of the term then how can one offer liberation. The freedom which the world seeks and imparts is only bondage. Only “if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36
If the search for the elusive truth or the ray of that truth makes us feel that we are being wise then remember what scripture says; “For although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools”. Rom 1:21-22. To such, even though they may not accept the existence of Satan and the dark reality of a spiritual world, I must nevertheless remind that there are traces of or ray of that truth even in Satan; a living being, the prince of darkness. What is lacking in Jesus’ banqueting table that we see riches in other sources. If only one knew the riches of their faith then one would not have sought after riches elsewhere. The question here is about finding riches elsewhere and not about knowing in order to bring everything into submission to Christ: the aim and motivation for such an activity.
The problem with the many of our modern theological breed is that God is a mere mascot to be used and abused to achieve their human program of building a kingdom of justice, peace and brotherhood; of emancipation, development and ultimately self aggrandizement. The church then is a mere NGO venturing where governments and other social scientists are supposed to venture with their earthly goals. It all looks good to see such zeal when they cater to these so called ‘subaltern classes’ but in no way communicates the mind of Christ whose kingdom was not of this world.
Prayer: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God."(John 6:68-69). Keep me faithful to your teaching, and never let me be departed from you.
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