Friday, April 1, 2011


                                                                                       -- PART I 
(Part II of this article will be a simple expounding of the same topic with scriptural basis and analysis)
The world is striving for a new world order where there will be no discrimination, between language, groups and communities and all will be equal. The cry for justice among peoples and nations is also in the same direction. Equality is the new mantra and even men and women are equals; therefore no longer should a woman be subjugated to a man.

The scriptural injunction which calls upon a woman to submit to a man is now to be understood in its socio-cultural milieu.  Some Biblical scholars say that the Bible discriminates between the sexes; Paul was a victim of his time and so too, Jesus is presented as a victim of his own socio-cultural milieu.  They belonged to a patriarchal society and hence they thought the way they did.  For these new breed of enthusiast, who only swear by a socialistic outlook, the Church too is corrupted since it bases its doctrine on tradition and biblical foundations which are rooted in a patriarchal background.

Equality, justice and liberty have taken a new turn ever since the French renaissance. The Socialist revival and the advent of Marxism added a new impetus to the demand for equality.  That‘s because one has not learnt that strength, power and positions were never meant for exploitation and domination, but rather to be at the service of the weak, the less fortunate and poorly endowed. According to them predetermination is a key principle for interpreting existing oppressive structures and structures of sin. It is also a situation which is created through repression and subjugation by the strong and the powerful. 
Equality when understood in terms of mathematical exactitude and then brought into human language becomes the reason for the prevailing confusion
There is an element of truth in what is purported as sound doctrine. The males are physically strong and many a time, still continue to use brutal force to suppress and demand.   But what we fail to realize is the other element of reality; the power of subtle seduction by the weak and fragile and it may never be a visible denominator for enumeration by the social scientists. The abuse of power is even common with those who proclaim justice and equality, and that too in greater measure, as they in their zeal to promote what they think as right and noble impose their ways through crooked and even brass force as if it is their birthright to impose what they think is right; this is unacceptable.  Similarly, they could be the abuse by the empowered too and this is a profound reality.

What begins as sound human ideals ends up as oppressive structures, seeking full control of whatever they lay their hands to. There comes up a new regime which is more oppressive and repressive in nature than the previous one. The Marxist state for example began on a similar utopian note and ended up being the most brutal force towards its people. Likewise with materialism and human emancipation as their goal they have created a new vacuum in the heart of human beings.  

Most of the problem is in the understanding of the term equality and confusing it with human dignity and role. Equality when understood in terms of mathematical exactitude and then brought into human language becomes the reason for the prevailing confusion.  True, the Biblical basis is this: Men and women are equal before God. They carry the same dignity even though they have a different role to play. Each according to their gender plays their role in human society and family.  But the problem arises when roles are confused with equality. This is so because we discriminate between persons, according to their role or job they do and not often according to their character or morality.  In fact the reverse may be true if a job carries with it extra perks and human attention and power then the individual may even be treated with nobility. On the other hand a person doing a menial job is not valued much in our society. In some cultures things are pretty worse still.

The human person is equal before God irrespective of cast, creed, color, origin and he loves all his creation equally and in complete measure. This love he has revealed in his Son Jesus to all creation and Jesus Christ is the access point to receive from his marvelous love (1 Jn. 2:23). He revealed to us what human dignity is all about. Though what I say is the truth and many will agree with me on this or may agree with me only in the primary premise but may choose to disagree with me in the second statement.   Nevertheless I must make clear this aspect of God’s love: though he loves everyone yet not everyone: Though he loves everyone not all can benefit from his love because it depends on us too whether to receive this love of God revealed to us in Christ Jesus.  Thus the fools may look at this as discrimination when you make known to them that only those who believe in Christ will be saved (Jn. 3:16-17, Acts. 4:12); though it is not me but the scriptures says this. Yet, “How can you discriminate?” they say, while they themselves discriminate beginning with their reasoning’s.  Only those can be the recipients or beneficiaries of his salvation and saving grace who accept and believe in him.

Not to discerningly discriminate is discrimination of the highest order. Since to discern and make a choice is the activity of the rational mind; not to exercise this rational mind in seeking in the right direction is like being an irrational creature and this irrationality get manifested in the society we live in. Rationality is God’s special gift to man but not to use it humbly is man’s folly and a choice to be no different than an animal, and it could be even being a gentle goat! Imagine if a parent in their zeal to treat their many children treats all of them equally, as the foolish understand equality, they will have discriminated between them by not nourishing each one according to the growth pattern of each or according their character. On the other hand we have a situation whereby one of the children makes it a point to look after his aged parents with great sacrifice and thus becomes a beneficiary of their love, affection and wealth; will this not be looked at as a case of discrimination? Here the arguments will go on depending on how one understands equality; mathematical or human sense.

When I talk of the discrimination of God, people find it difficult to understand, as if one has proclaimed a great heresy.  If our God is a God of love then how can you say he discriminates between peoples and nations? It all depends on how one understands the dynamics of love. If to love means only an emotional or rational thought expressed than perhaps you could be justified in your thinking. But the God you believe in will be the God of your making and not the God who has revealed himself to us in Christ Jesus.  The God we believe in, is the God who loves and this love is dynamic and towards his creation, of which human beings, who have been bestowed with a free will, have the freedom to either accept it or reject it. Hence it is we who discriminate ourselves. For one of the greatest quality of God’ love is that it is never thrust or imposed but proposed to all mankind through the proclamation (I know of some theologians who do not understand the term ‘proclamation’ and thus understood proclamation as imposition) of the Gospel. The Gospel (good news) of Jesus is the revelation of God’s love which is in all its fullness manifested at the cross of Christ.  God still loves everyone and all of his creation and this for us is seen in his providence and sustenance of creation.  To receive from this love one has to acknowledge and accept it in faith so as to see its effect in one’s life.  One can’t take for granted and ignore this steadfast love of God; in acknowledging that one is loved by God that one is lead into personal transformation. Therefore the discrimination of God is fruit of one’s own discrimination brought about by rejecting his love.  God is never to be blamed but oneself.                           Ø     fr. Conrad Saldanha

Prayer:  God of all creation help me to acknowledge your love which you have revealed in your beloved Son Jesus and accept his offer of salvation which first comes to us by faith. Bless me, so that I may be always faithful to him and his Word and avail of the grace that comes through the Church and the sacraments. I ask this though Christ our Lord. AMEN (so be it).

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