DEC 17 2010 :- Called to be a witness
Q: - Is charity a MAJOR part of witnessing? By E.Fonseca
We need to understand what Charity is all about. Though identified differently yet In keeping with the Christian world view the two cannot be separated from each other. They go hand in hand. Charity is synonymous to witnessing. Charity is witnessing but not always as active as the ultimate form it may take in witnessing. Also, it is no charity if the ultimate goal of charity is not witnessing. Hence for all Christian charity, witnessing constitutes its ultimate goal. Though Christian Charity is selfless yet it has a goal and direction. It is not an aimless activity in nothingness. This very reason one cannot be saying that Christian Charity is selfless charity without looking for a goal or reward. St. Paul talking about Christian Charity has this to say;”To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men that I might by all means save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings”. 1 Cor. 9:22-23
Some have contaminated the Christian idea of charity by importing from the religious philosophy of other religions in order to suit their timid world view. There is always a motive in all that we do or undertake unless it is the activity of a man who is out of his mind or a child who is dependent.
Why is Christian Charity goal oriented and always seeks a particular goal which is best fulfilled in being a witness? In other words; why can’t Christian charity be the selfless charity of the so called ‘wise men’ of Christianity? To understand this we need to get into the world view which the Gospels reveal to us. The word of God reveals to us that the world is damned apart from Christ who is the only Savior and King!(Jn.3:16; 14:6; Acts 4:12). The world on its own cannot be saved and this dark world needs the light of the revelation of Jesus Christ and His grace in order to be saved. “If we go back to the beginnings of the Church, we find a clear affirmation that Christ is the One Savior of all, the only One able to reveal God and lead to God”. (RM Pope JP II para. 5)
How will this revelation of this light reach the many if we do not reach out in true charity by way of witnessing? “For, "every one who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved." But how are men to call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher?” Rom 10:13-14
Hence the ministry of preaching, which is synonymous with witnessing, is the primary form of charity which is much ignored in our times. “Preaching constitutes the Church's first and fundamental way of serving the coming of the kingdom in individuals and in human society” (RM Pope JP II para. 20). Everyone wants their parishes to be vibrant and make it activity oriented with very little emphasis on the whole ministry of preaching. And if there is any preaching then one is generous with ones own pet ideas rather than as servants of the Gospel. Do not display your own wealth of learning and ideas! This is definitely not Christian charity, it does not save you nor the masses but it only serves to save you from becoming unpopular in the short term; an activity in populism!
Christian Charity is a service not with humanity as its origin and goal. That would be humanism which appeals much but in the long run only leads to destruction of the humanity. Christian Charity is a service at the kingdom. I who have served in every capacity and explored every possibilities have found my solution in the great service of Christ (through which Christian Liturgy finds its origin) and thus I have made myself a servant of the Gospel of Charity which is able to save the many.
Therefore there was no explicit commandment to love everyone. The Commandment of Christ was to love your neighbor (Immediate or proximate) or to love one another. (Mt. 22:39; Mk. 12:31; Jn. 13:34-35; 15:12, 17). Has the masses been ignored or does He not want us to love the human race. His concern and love for the humanity is seen in His mandate to his disciples. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." Matt 28:19-20. Oh no, not just to preach Gospel values but Jesus Christ, make them His disciples! There cannot be just disciples by themselves they can only exist disciples of Christ or ………………………………!
Since this form of charity can reach its zenith in martyrdom, the martyrs for the faith are the greatest witnesses of Christian charity.. “Greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends”. John 15:13.
Dec 30 2010 :- Octave of Christmas and its search
Q: - How do I judge what is truth or not? By L.M.
How do I judge what is truth or not?
The complexities of truth are such that I cannot encourage one to use the faculty of discernment in every situation. When it comes to the ultimate the Vat. II Documents says: “Truth is not immanent to man”. It is not something that we can arrive at by deep meditation and reflection or through brain storming. Unless God who is the ultimate truth reveals Himself to us we cannot know Him. Our reasoning may perhaps arrive at some semblance of truth. A Christian can boast, as did St. Thomas Aquinas and boast about arriving at a deduction about the presence of God but this he could safely do so because of his Christian background. Apart from this Christian background and apart from the aid of God’s Holy Spirit and His Holy and revealed word it is impossible to know the truth. This very reason there is so much of confusion and this confusion can even be seen in many aspects of Church life. This is so because of the arrogance of self and a learning which makes us trust ourselves rather than depend on God the source of all wisdom.
The absence of the knowledge of the ultimate truth makes it unfeasible to safely judge and comprehend the truths in a world corrupted by the lies of empty philosophies and thoughts of men. (Col.2:8) On the other hand the knowledge of Christ, Which is Truth for He is truth (Jn. 14:6) is the beginning of the journey to enter into the fullness of the truth which is Christ Himself. His spirit helps us to know all truths and even understand them (I Cor.2:13-16).
This being our reality in the Catholic Church we have the truth not just in Scripture but also in the great tradition and practice (liturgical) of the church. To further help us out in the judging the truth of life we also have the magisterium which comes to our aid as teacher. This we can count on especially in times of confusion.
Especially in our times when teaching authority fails to be faithful to even the magisterium and lead the flock of Christ astray, then arises a new problem. Fortunately, with education we have access to the teaching office. But it is still not enough if we are not attuned to the Holy Spirit. “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth”. John 16:13. Yet the difficulty still remains when one begins to believe that one is guided by the Holy Spirit and yet not. This is where true humility comes to the rescue. “..he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts……..and exalted those of low degree”. Luke 1:51-52
Croydon said...
Just to add my thought on charity as we learn from various mediums as being a materialistic sacrifice in order to serve the lord. I think the most important part of christianity, that separates it from other religions, is that God does not need money. Whereas it comes to helping those in need, Acts 3:1-10. It speaks about the lame man and how St Peter gave not, gold and silver, but the most precious gift of all, the name of Jesus. And what I would like to point out is verse 10 in the end which says that the people at the temple where filled with wonder and amazement at the sight of him walking.
This is insight is my affirmation of Fr Conrad's message that our ultimate goal is witnessing. What use is giving the poor a note to fill their bowls, when what their beings lack is the saving grace that we can find in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Fr Conrad for giving us the greatest gift any man can ever receive, the name of Jesus and the WORD of God.
But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life (John 4:14) NASU
This is insight is my affirmation of Fr Conrad's message that our ultimate goal is witnessing. What use is giving the poor a note to fill their bowls, when what their beings lack is the saving grace that we can find in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Fr Conrad for giving us the greatest gift any man can ever receive, the name of Jesus and the WORD of God.
But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life (John 4:14) NASU