>>fr. Conrad Saldanha
The church can never be looked upon as separate from the laity and yet there is almost always a dialectical conflict between the laity and the priests. What constitutes the church is the clergy, religious and laity together.
The possible reasons for such a conflict are:-
The laity seems to have come of age. Thus, we have a laity which is knowledgeable; the feeling being of empowered through learning, some have done some theological courses and also are well equipped with handling the worldly affairs too.
The laity seems to have come of age. Thus, we have a laity which is knowledgeable; the feeling being of empowered through learning, some have done some theological courses and also are well equipped with handling the worldly affairs too.
The laity also reasons that the clergy seem to have abused their position and theological learning to subjugate and suppress the lay aspirations.
There are certain laws in the church which in keeping with the circumstance seems to be discriminatory towards the laity. In matters pastoral, the laity have a consultative and not a decision making voice in church affairs.
The priests, as leader of the community are entrusted with the responsibility of animating the community of Christ’s faithful.
A priest is supposed to be the leader of the community through his ministry as a pastor. He offers the sacrifice of the mass and administers the sacraments, preaches the word and guides the flock. Thus he also makes Christ present to the people. The lay faithful since they belong to the common priesthood can collaborate with the priest but in no way can replace the ordained priest in the functions he undertakes.
To arrive at the possible solution to this conflict we need to understand the nature of the church (ecclesiology).
The foundational fact: It is true that somebody has to take up leadership in the church of God. From among the first apostles the Lord appointed Peter to lead the community of the inner circle. The inner circle of apostles is considered as the foundation, the initial stone on which the Church is built. This leads us to the understanding that the Bishops with the Pope as the bishop of Rome are successors of the Apostles. They are the foundation around which the clergy and the entire laity gather as a sign of unity.
Being successors of the apostles they are instruments of service. The higher the office the greater is the responsibility and call to service. The Pope considers himself as the servant of the servants of Christ. This fact and aspect of service and servant hood is often misunderstood at local levels and thus not put into practice.
The Church primarily serves humanity by the proclamation of that truth that is able to save them. This is the ultimate goal and vision for which the church exists and strives for. It is not an ideology or a mere worldly wisdom which could be based on any human sciences and philosophies but a radical belief in the teaching of Christ: Christ Jesus is the message and there is no other message, not even his values and words have meaning if proclaimed apart from Christ. The teaching of Christ and his word is still relevant in our time and in our age and is able to lead one into the peace of God’s kingdom. This truth has to be first accepted and believed in order to be effective. It has to be nourished in the crucible of the Christian milieu watered by prayer; a relationship with Christ. "The priest's relation to the Church is inscribed in the relation which the priest has to Christ, such that the "sacramental representation' to Christ serves as the basis and inspiration for the relation of the priest to the Church" (Apostolic Exhortation, Pastores dabo vobis, 23 Nov. 2001, n. 16)
Some reductionists reduce this message and relegate it to human behavior and witness. ‘Witness by deeds’ is what they proclaim; though this is essential, what we fail to realize is that human beings who see things in limited perspectives need to be enlightened by the light of Christ’s words which is best received through proclamation. Yet it is never an overnight guarantee that we would become perfect judgers even of the so called good behavior and sound characters of people. History has been witness to peoples and nations who have walked in deception by following leaders who were perceived sometimes even by the majority, to be of sound integrity, yet proved to be quite the contrary. If we have to learn the truth then Jesus teaches us best; “so practice and observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practice”. (Matt 23:3) One truth that was evident with the scribes and the Pharisees is this; no matter how badly they behaved they were at least faithful to the law of God in their discourse and Jesus seems to acknowledge that. You compare that with our modern day teachers. They talk about the witness of deeds as primary but they, neither in deed or in word are faithful to the Word of Christ. In a way Jesus was revealing himself as that perfect leader whom we can and should be following without any hesitation or confusion.
The situation of the world and solution: A primary service that the Church renders to the world, that is confused and steeped in darkness, is faithful proclamation. This is manifested through its faithfulness and relationship to the living Word. It is only Christ the light that dispels the darkness of even the darkest night (cfr. LK. 1:79; Jn. 1:4). Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."(John 8:12) The apostles of Christ were convinced about it and strove to proclaim Christ as the only light and Savior of the human race. Whereas we would rather meet with people of other religions in the name of dialogue, deceive and lead them further astray by telling them it is only the Protestants who are in the business of proclamation. Shame!
The situation of the world and solution: A primary service that the Church renders to the world, that is confused and steeped in darkness, is faithful proclamation. This is manifested through its faithfulness and relationship to the living Word. It is only Christ the light that dispels the darkness of even the darkest night (cfr. LK. 1:79; Jn. 1:4). Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."(John 8:12) The apostles of Christ were convinced about it and strove to proclaim Christ as the only light and Savior of the human race. Whereas we would rather meet with people of other religions in the name of dialogue, deceive and lead them further astray by telling them it is only the Protestants who are in the business of proclamation. Shame!
The importance of the Word and one of the reasons for the conviction of the Disciples concerning the necessity of Christ is seen in the Gospel of John. The truth is best brought out in the washing of the feet on Maundy Thursday when Christ washed the feet of his disciples and mandated to them the same: “You also should wash one another’s feet”. This was the symbolic depiction of the cleansing power of the Word of God and the humble cleansing service accomplished by Jesus in his disciples. “You are already made clean by the word which I have spoken to you”. (John 15:3) Hence, the fraternal correction and the addressing of one another in psalms and hymns and sacred songs are all noble services in the same direction (Eph. 5:19; Col.3:16). Similarly, the blood of Christ we receive in holy Eucharist is Christ made present to us through the power of his Word proclaimed: Take this….. this is my Body”. Take this all of you and drink……this is the cup of my blood.
Are we convinced of the Power of the Word and its relevance in our time? How can we say that, when we hear their (the clergy) worldly wisdom steeped in humanism and modern behavioral and Social Sciences? There was one who even went to the extent to tell me that his Psychology is much more time tested science then Scriptures. Thanks to his patrons he still continues with his heresies at the seminary.
To explain the relevance of this service, let me relate an incident that took place when I was a regent serving in the Missions. There was a young college going tribal boy whom I had asked to meet me in my office. He did not come to meet me but was expecting me to meet him at the hostel where he was in residence. When I finally did catch up with him at the hostel I immediately asked him why he did not come to see me in my office. He protested by saying; “It is your job to serve us and hence it is you who should be coming to meet me, because you have opted for service”. That sounded wise from a young man influenced in a Marxist milieu. The Marxist and the socialist always sound human and wise but impractical and myopic! After all, by joining the seminary I had made my option to serve. But the rebelliousness of the young man and his attitude needed correction, lest he carries this flaw through life and so I told him: “You are right in one thing young man, my job is to serve but what you have not realized is this; to teach you what is right and be respectful is part of this service. I suppose this sum up well the whole idea of service; the teaching office of the Church is the primary and the greatest service to mankind. To theologize in a legitimate way and bring forth the truth of the gospel is creative reaching out in the same direction. So to those in authority I must advice, “don’t make busy bodies of priest’s at the cost of this primary ministry nor train them to be experts at behavioral social sciences at the cost of the Gospel of Christ!”
Today, the church is at the threshold of confusion and disintegration. The gates of hell are at it. While the truth is suppressed even surreptitiously, many priests, theologians, bishops and cardinals are preaching worldly wisdom and ideologies or encourage the same with benefaction. This is exactly what Mary in her apparition at Fatima had warned. Pope Paul VI one year before his death had this to say: ‘"There is a great uneasiness, at this time, in the world and in the Church, and that which is in question is the faith. It so happens now that I repeat to myself the obscure phrase of Jesus in the Gospel of St. Luke: 'When the Son of Man returns will He still find faith on earth?'" It so happens that there are books coming out in which the faith is in retreat on some important points, that the episcopates are remaining silent and these books are not looked upon as strange. I sometimes read the Gospel passage of the end times and I attest that, at this time, some signs of the end are emerging. (Pope Paul VI spoke in 1977, one year before his death, and which are recorded in the book, 'The Secret Paul VI' by Jean Guitton."This quote is from page xi of "To the Priests, Our Lady's beloved sons", The Marian Movement of Priests, Fr Stefano Gobbi, 7th Indian edition [Imprimatur by + Donald W. Montrose, Bishop of Stockton]).
Can you imagine a book full of heresies used as a text book for seminary formation and with a forward by a Bishop? Or so called heretical Bibles with imprimatur's and Nihil Obstat’s by bishops and released by them with great fanfare. For more than 27 years the heresy of the Small Christian Community has been enforced on the common laity and there is no room for honest feedback or change. New Age thinking has replaced Christian spirituality, and any objection raised is suppressed. The Centre for community organization (CCO), works with a vision that goes against the very basis of sound ecclesiology, yet it is recommended to be the hub of the Parish decision making body. There are cells and organizations formed and working in our parishes which deviate from sound doctrine.
From the above one can deduce the reason for the wide and growing conflict in the Catholic Church, since at local levels the Word of Christ has been rejected. The leaders of the community of believers, i.e. the clergy, have no vision because they have rejected the vision of Jesus. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Prov. 29: 18) The very ones who have preached a gospel of rebellion, a social or sugar coated gospel now expect submission from the flock. How can a person in authority who does not submit to the Word or the Magisterium and teaches other to do the same, now demand submission to them? Though this assertion seems legitimate in keeping with the Word of Christ, which calls for obedience, yet it can never happen because of the seed of rebellion sown in the hearts and mind of the laity, which primarily and much more seriously reigns in the hearts of those who rule. Allow the truth of the Gospel to animate your life, submit to the magisterium, revive the tradition of sound spirituality and then you will be light of the World and a salt of the earth. (Mt. 5:13-14). If not then this corruption will be carried forward to other fields of activity too, as is already happening.
The Church belongs neither to the laity nor the clergy but to Christ and each one according to one’s call are stewards of God’s grace. Our positions and power can come from one’s in authority but the real dispenser of the power is Christ himself whom every family on earth must submit.
So who is to be blamed? Can the clergy who once submitted themselves to be formed in the faith be now blamed? Unfortunately, though their training does not make them effective, yet to seek and learn is an option always available to them and more so conscience enjoins upon them to do so. As leaders of the people the responsibility to live by their relationship with Christ and to teach others to do the same belongs primarily to the clergy. If he has not been helped by his formation then they have Christ present with us by the power of his Holy Spirit to guide and teach. This is also enjoined on them through the Church law. Since the law prevents the Laity and gives the special privilege to preach and teach, though at times the lay man maybe more capable, hence the greater responsibility and burden on the clergy; a responsibility they can’t ignore or take lightly.
Finally, a leader is supposed to be a visionary. Christ mission was to make us leaders with his vision. The Word of God and the countless witness of saints are instruments in that direction. If the priest is trained in theology and has easy access to things spiritual, carries his own vision into ministry, then there is bound to be confusion and anarchy. The Parish vision mission statements proudly displayed in many of our parishes and officially mandated by those in authority are evidences in these areas; a betrayal of Jesus and his mission. The modern day Judases have sold the church for self aggrandizement and this can only be retrieved when the reign of the Small Christian Community is brought to an end, in its present avatar, as it inches towards the 30 years reign.
Prayer: Lord bless the church and all those in authority that they may act with your wisdom and that we may be truly nourished at your table. May we grow in that wisdom and grace which leads us to eternity. May we never forget you our Lord and grow in a relationship with you and your saving word.
Excellent piece, Father Conrad.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your team.
Now our eyes are open. No wonder priests in the Archdiocese joke so freely about our Bishops and SCC'& etc.. I agree with what Fr. CONRAD is writing..we laity have been made to look like fools, taken for ride and they still continue.I hope the authorities in Rome takes notice of the sad state of the diocese. we are being fooled by the bishops. Lord! If Rome does not act we will all be lost to hell! or did they accuse him of taking people to hell?
ReplyDeleteThank you Fr Conrad for this beautiful article. Whilst, it is bold, it neverthless uncovers the truth. I think its time we laity take a look around us and see what direction are we headed with our spirituality. While we hear claims of happines and unity from groups such as small christian communities, are people really happy. Are they really radiating from the light of Christ. I dont see that. Whilst the Catholic church today is at the brink of losing its faithful to the denominations and sects and even to other religions, your effort to bring about a change is way beyond commendability. I am grateful to you as I am sure many of the other readers are.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Godless groups like the SCC are promoted and the beatiful DD retreats you conducted suppresed. I wonder????
Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs. Anon
ReplyDeleteThe following statement in the article says it all: "For more than 27 years the heresy of the Small Christian Community has been enforced on the common laity and there is no room for honest feedback or change." If it was not a heresy then they would have been open to feedback from those who have voiced concern about it to legitimate authority in the past. There is definitely something to hide; this insight is for you. As for us we know what are the heretical grounds on which it exists. It is love for the church and the scandal it may cause that has made us to hold back patiently.
Croydon and team
I needed to thank you for this good read!! I absolutely loved every bit of
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