As the great conversion debate rages on, the confusion among Catholics continue to remain. We, as Catholics are either not able to handle the debate or are rather defensive about the whole attack as if the business of conversion is a big crime which needs to be shunned and the debate avoided at any cost.
One of the statements which convey the confused state of the Catholic community at large is that assertion voiced by way of statistics: Christian population shows a decline in India they say. It has dwindled from a peak of 2.6 per cent in 1971 to 2.33 per cent in 2001. This they say is because we have not been converting in spite of our wide network of social and religious outreaches. “The statistics show it all”, is an unfortunate argument.
This brings in another element of Christian belief which many of our Catholics are compromising on. The issue of Salvation (saving grace); Many Catholic theologians and laity influenced by such teachings are beginning to believe that Salvation is possible through an honest and sincere practice of religious belief of other religions. So I strive to make a Hindu a better Hindu and a Muslim a better Muslim, etc., because they will be saved. To them all religions are a means of Salvation. It is not goodness that count, for such goodness we see in others and ourselves is still a subjective judgment. Here do not put yourselves in God’s place. He has spoken, he has already passed a judgment (Jn.3: 16-18).
In the same line of thinking you have the proponents of values: We need to proclaim Gospel values to them. Here they miss the point; no Gospel values remain Gospel values if it is separated from the person of Christ himself: The Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn. 14:6). The person of Christ cannot be separated from His values. Thus Christ Himself is the source and summit, the beginning and end, the first and last of all values. Apart from me you can do nothing (Jn. 15:5).
There are those who are the so called ‘perspectivalist’, who believe that truth is relative and subject to change on the basis of our perception. First of all, they hold on to this fallacy objectively and not in perspective. This in itself is the contradiction they hold on to. Though perspectivalism has its element of truth in the way we see as human beings yet it is not the whole truth. The greatest truth that human beings should at least be clear about is this that they cannot have a clear vision of all realities, especially the metaphysical reality. Just because I do not know about certain things does not mean certain things doesn’t exist. If in ordinary life we could yet go about in faith in seeking the knowledge of things which do not exist, only on the basis of trust in someone, how much more the need to seek the Divine reality. Christ Jesus the divine reality made visible and simple for easy access. Know Him, trust him and proclaim Him i.e., teach others to trust him too.
Is Christianity a better religion than other religions? We are not holding this in perspective. Christianity is above all and the only religion. It is no human wisdom and founded by no human being. In keeping with human frailties, in order to grasp the absolute truth, only those who have encountered Christ Jesus the divine-human has the power and authority to make such a claim. Those who claim to be Christians and may even know about Christ through much learning cannot assert this truth. Their faculties have not been raised to the level of objectivity in this area because they do not know him but only know about him. They have through their lack/absence of trust have not allowed Jesus the Divine reality to raise them up to the level of objectivity. Jesus revealed to us the way to the Father in total union with Him. Life too is full of choices, one better than the other, some better according to ones perspective and others better universally. Jesus is not just a better choice but the only and ultimate choice for men and their salvation (Acts 4:12).
For some, this may seem like fundamentalism and jump to an immediate connect with fundamentalism of other religions and the evil thereof. Jesus did not spread His religion by the sword. Truth is never vociferous to the extent of destroying the other. It always seeks the good of the other. Even though innocently condemned Jesus did not retaliate; Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. This statement especially from a man who is suffering wrong and injustice is a bulwark of truth. Self sacrifice and forgiveness are the prominent elements of truth.
This is truth too: Conversion is intrinsic to life and not an option. No life can exist or sustain without conversion. Even a minute cell has to get converted. Conversion is either towards integration or disintegration. Likewise in human beings conversion is an ongoing process either towards integration or disintegration. Truly there was an immediate conversion in the Supreme Court judges and they decided that they should not go with their earlier unconstitutional statement. It seems that the conversion of the judges was on account of force applied by way of protest by the Christians; unconstitutional and induced!
Any conversion apart from Christ is towards disintegration and any conversion in Christ is total integration, for Jesus offers us life (Jn. 10:10).
In a multi-religion society like India, the debate on religion seems to touch a raw wound and makes many insecure. The community is considered to be of higher value than truth. In order to preserve one’s community one would go to the extent of even annihilating the other.Unfortunately this attitude has even infiltrated our local churches. A growing emphasis on building communities at the cost of truth!?! One would prefer to relate with people of other beliefs but yet not discuss the beliefs or challenge them. The raw wound situation is in itself an unhealthy situation which needs healing and correction.
The worst confusion is when some would even go to the extent of saying that we are not the ones who are converting people but the Protestants who are to be blamed. Shameful! How can we be defensive about truth? Here the truth is this: To proclaim the truth of the Gospel is a basic human right. If we could allow advertisement of products and services knowing full well that many a times what is dished out is a lie then why should we be restricted to proclaim what we believe to be the truth and nothing but the truth. It is truth not because I am saying it; it is truth because God in Christ Jesus has revealed Himself and Him whom I believe I believe Him to be the absolute truth. I believe in every word that He speaks to me. Humans may lie but He will not lie. I am not talking of an abstract entity but of a living God who meets us where we are, if we allow ourselves to meet him!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are the way, the truth and life. Reveal to me yourself more and more each day that I may never walk away from the truth. Guide all people everywhere to seek you and find that salvation which comes from you alone. Reach out O Lord to those members of my dear and near ones who have rejected you from their lives and also those who spread error by claiming to be your disciples.
I second this, Fr.