~~Fr. Conrad Saldanha
I have often been posed this question, especially in a mixed gathering: “How can Catholics give so much of importance to Mary and the saints, more so, when Scripture clearly states that there is Salvation in no one else but Christ Jesus?”
There are some who having rejected the objective truth, i.e. Christ Jesus, seem to have found a new impetus in the Vatican II documents of the Church which they have read without a sound knowledge of scripture. Pope John Paul II often emphasized the reading of the Vat. II documents in the light of the scriptures as it was pastoral in nature.
I have often been posed this question, especially in a mixed gathering: “How can Catholics give so much of importance to Mary and the saints, more so, when Scripture clearly states that there is Salvation in no one else but Christ Jesus?”
My answer to them is: “Do not limit God’s action; for Jesus himself did not limit his action. (Let not some of you after reading this overtly broaden God’s action without reference to his word). True, Salvation is only in Christ but this salvation is handed down to us through the ministry of the Apostles and holy men and women down the ages. Among all these, Mary stands out as the humble servant of God, whom all generations invoking her intercession and salvific grace call “Blessed” (Lk.1:48).
'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.' (Matt 25:40) “And whoever gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he shall not lose his reward."(Matt 10:42). This is how Christ uses, what I would call a powerful chain reaction which on that day we may be able to see, as far greater than any chain nuclear reaction.
In him the dead are no more, but they belong to the living, and God allows them to minister to us the message of the power of salvation. “..The tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many.” (Matt 27:52-53).
All those who lead a life of union with God and are faithful and true to his word are ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). No one can insult an ambassador of a country and get away with it, because they represent the kingdom, which is Jesus, who in person is God’s kingdom.
The Christian privilege often makes one insecure. They see it as an unnecessary arrogance bordered on exclusivity which they think needs to be condemned. Exclusive, yes and privileged, yes, arrogance sometimes, especially to a world that is blind and wants to stand on judgment over the righteous and chosen ones of God.
If we limit ourselves here then it is only the partial truth. Christian privilege and exclusivity is not a call for arrogance or pride or domination which normally makes people insecure and fearful but, it is rather a call for service in humility. This is so because that which is my gain, by virtue of my belief in Christ is not meant for me exclusively, but is meant for the whole world. Go therefore, He said, make disciples of all nations. In other words, the privilege that we as Christians enjoy is to be shared and not to be stored or hidden away. The businessmen of the world keep the best portion and hold on to it. God’s door is open for all peoples and every one can come in. For this very reason Jesus sent his apostles to all the nations to proclaim the good news of Salvation so that all may respond and come in; the greatest act of service. What if they refuse to come in or listen to the message that is able to save? It is not God’s problem if they do not receive. It is only arrogance clothed in garbs of humility that prevents them from accepting the truth of Christ, and then to sit in judgment over the chosen ones of God.
The TV/ Internet provide us with many channels/ websites for relaxation. But if we choose to find relaxation in the worldly serials, reality shows or action entertainment, and forget the greatest action, the greatest story and the actual reality which is true and without an iota of deception; the story of Jesus Christ, the Savior who proved it by the manner of his life and death, then do not blame God. And all who are in positions power and authority, ordained to proclaim the good news of Christ, if they find more meaning in proclaiming worldly wisdom and showing-off credentials and positions of power they hold, rather than the truth of the gospel of Christ then how will the truth in the church be promoted? Go therefore, He said, make disciples of all nations.
There are some who having rejected the objective truth, i.e. Christ Jesus, seem to have found a new impetus in the Vatican II documents of the Church which they have read without a sound knowledge of scripture. Pope John Paul II often emphasized the reading of the Vat. II documents in the light of the scriptures as it was pastoral in nature.
They feel that the “trace of truth” which is in other religions will definitely lead one to salvation. Some even have claimed that this trace of truth means the whole truth. The Church has only asserted that this trace of truth points to Christ; who is the ONLY way, the truth and the life. (Jn. 14:6). There are many who have gone astray on account of the wrong interpretation of this assertion by the Church, and have imprudently plunged themselves into inter-religious dialogue, in order to search for the ultimate truth. Through the medium of inter-religious dialogue some are even teaching others to open themselves to all sorts of occult dabbling and influences. Others have exposed themselves to spiritualities which are not in keeping with the Christian concept of God, who is a person, Supreme and yet always with us. Some even profess only one religion, and that is humanity with extremes of humanism.
This is the extreme interpretation of the term ‘traces of truth’. Could this be a subliminal activity born out of a need for recognition and acceptance? The quicker way of which is rebellion towards the truth. Can a trace of gold, in iron make the iron, gold? Or can traces of pure water in the sewage water make it pure? The danger one overlooks in the realm of religious studies, is to approach these “traces” with human intellect which is fraught with pitfalls. “Apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5). One must consider the many occasions, they have been deceived by other humans in the daily routine of life and the many occasions when they have been deceived and yet never realized it to this day. You need not bother about what you never know but do bother about the eternal truths because it matters; your future and salvation and the salvation of those who are dependent on you is at stake.
Finally, remember Satan too has traces of truth in him though he is the father of lies. He was created good and became evil by his own choice and every good lie has always a trace of truth in it, yet it will always remain a lie. Would you knowing this, believe the enemy, yet whether you acknowledge him or not you still are slave to him and all that he has to offer to you in the name of “traces of truth”.
The relationship between truth and lies is this: Truth exposes lies, while lies can only contaminate truth. To those who believe and have faith in the living God to them this is a sure hope because of a concrete action in history: Truth will ultimately triumph over evil.
In keeping with the contamination there is a love brigade at work also. These are the ones who think that it is possible to attain salvation through love. After all, didn’t Jesus teach us the love commandment as the greatest and only commandment? Some of these are the ones who are uncomfortable with arguments and discussions on the truths of the doctrine but are never uncomfortable to gossip and slander about people and discuss worldly matters. Perhaps love as they understand, in the ideological sense, is the solution to the entire human problem, as if that was the only life line for sustenance of life. Hence in the bargain, these too end up being nicer than God himself.
These love brigades understand love in the narrow sense of the term and as being pleasing to men. They seek every opportunity not to hurt the sentiments of anyone. The major problem arises when they have to judge between two people: then the rule they follow is this; be kind to one and be merciful to the other. Ultimately please no one! What is the criterion for judging? Themselves! There is no justice in their love but only betrayal and wrongdoing. Having failed their master, they rule over God’s household by adopting unjust criteria to redeem their way out from their many follies.
There is also a category who believes that the salvation of an individual is here and now. Their priority is self. The goals that they work for is self development, self achievement, self progress. The spirituality that they adopt is practical to them; a spiritually that promotes their agenda of self gratification; New Age, holistic (wholistic) health and gratifying lifestyle. Take in whatever, as long as it helps and is useful for health. There are some who have more confidence in their therapies’ (water, urine, food, cosmic energies, massages, acupuncture, etc.) than in Jesus who is the truth and has given the sacraments of healing and reconciliation.
Then there are some who believe that life is like being in a boat with rowing oars in their hands for satisfaction, on a vast ocean drifting as the winds take you. For them God is at work in every situation and he will surely take you to your final destination. No cooperation with his grace and power. No mention of his Salvation. To such Jesus speaks again: “…no one comes to the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6b) Drifting on the vast ocean does not lead one to his destination but can lead one to consequent destruction.
By their fruit you shall know what manner of tree it is (cfr. Lk. 6:44). We who are living in a Christian environment have Christ as the standard for judgment. But this understanding of Christ that we have and use as a criterion for judging ourselves and others is not always the Christ as revealed in the Word. We may sometimes have degrees and qualifications in theology and scripture and may be even experts at quoting from it yet it is no guarantee to walk the right path if we do not know Jesus, have a personal relationship with him and allow him to guide and thus rule our lives.
With this article, I conclude the three parts series on ‘The Salvation Issue’. Ultimately, any polemics still has its limitations. More so, if our answers are not sought in sincerity of heart and trusting in the eternal God in all sincerity and honesty to reveal his saving plan for us. Only God knows the categories and world view we hold on to and the premise which hinder us from knowing or seeking the truth and the level of earnestness of the human heart. He, who looks at the hearts of men, is able to cater to our intellect and animate our mind with the divine wisdom without which we cannot be saved. He who had to open the eyes of his disciple and give them the key of understanding matters of the kingdom is indeed the Savior who can remove the scales that prevent us from knowing him and his riches.
Prayer: Lord God I come to you in all sincerity and total surrender, so that you may open my eyes to see the wonder of your loving plan of salvation.