Thursday, June 30, 2011

Discovering Mary - Part I

At an inter-denominational gathering, I met a Doctor who had studied in a Christian medical college. She shared with me, doubts that had arisen in her mind, during the course of her   formation, concerning certain aspects of the Catholic faith.  As it happens, in such debates, one of the first in the line of attack is the Catholic’s devotion to Mary. 

Devotion to the Blessed Mary was for me, a discovery through perseverance and diligent openness to God’s guidance.  Though as a young boy, we as a family prayed the Rosary and the other prayers, I thank God for his great mercies, for having given me this privilege and grace, to know about one of his great actions in history for the salvation of the human race.

Mary is synonymous to Catholic sentiments and spirituality. Along with the revelation of God’s Word which extols Mary, the many senseless attacks against the Catholic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary are challenges for the human race, to seek and discover the prime place Mary has in the salvific mission of Christ. 

Empirical reason and explanations:

The Christian belongs to God’s Kingdom. The world view we hold on to, is, that God, in his great mercy and love has taken us out from the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of his beloved son; an existential reality.  A kingdom established by the death of Jesus on the Christ. We are received into the kingdom by faith, and sustained each day, through the exercise of constant trust. Hence, a Christian is one who is at constant war against the forces of darkness, a spirit of rebellion at work in godless men for whom religion is only a means for self gain.

In the history of the human race, the first battles were fought without any fortifications. But as they became wise, fortifications and ramparts were built to protect themselves against their enemies, and to live a peaceable life.  Likewise is the difference, between the Catholic faith and the other denominations.  Perhaps, this could be the reason why the Catholics are so comfortable and laid back against the great onslaught of the evil one, and lack the fervor and zeal shown by many of the breakaways groups. We are too comfortable with the fortifications of the Sacraments, the saints and the help of the sacramental’s, that it does not matter to us whether we know the essence of the faith or not.

The battle of the neo –Christians is the battle of the field. Their zeal under the banner of Christ is what will enable them to conquer and gain eternal life both for themselves and for others.

In a battle there are various formations. Those on the periphery or on the battle front are the first to be attacked. They are the loyal ones who are there because of their loyalty and their invincibility in the great battle. They are the ones who have been   there as armors because they have been conquered for Christ.  One of the greatest weapons of Satan is doubt, besides envy and jealousy.  By creating such feelings of doubt, and through their envy and jealousy, coupled with their greed, some have been hitting out at the Catholic beliefs; the very first line of defense. Those who have been in the ministry of deliverance can vouch for the great intercession and help of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the deliverance and salvation of souls.

2) In the third chapter of the Book of Genesis we have a relational angle to the whole question of Mary’s role in the salvation of mankind.  While the whole human race is under the power of sin, Mary in retrospect is revealed to us as the one prepared by God at the beginning of creation. The prophetic message also reveals to us that her relationship with Satan is that of enmity (Gen. 3:15). This is unlike the human relationship with Satan. God in Christ Jesus came to establish his kingdom in our hearts and through faith and baptism takes us out from this kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of his beloved (Col.1:13; 1Pt.2: 9-10).

Mary was born belonging to the kingdom of light. She was not   under the yoke of Satan and his dark world. The prophetic message clearly reveals the special place of the woman, whom we see as Mary having a pivotal role to play in the salvation of the human race.

3) God entrusted to her his wealth; “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master when he comes will find so doing. Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possession.” Matt 24:45-47 Similarly, Mary was the one who was found faithful in God household. For humans it is much easy to pass judgment and criticize. They make their pre-judgments even about God.  Hence, God entrusts her with all his possession. 

When a Man goes on a mission and if he has to keep his most precious goods in safe custody, then he will definitely hand it over to his most trusted and loyal servant or friend.  Similarly God had entrusted the savior of the world to his most beloved and trust worthy handmaid (Lk.1:38), whom all generations should call blessed (Lk.1:48).

All good learning does not come from the education industry or schools of training; it also depends on the background and training that one receives in a family.  Just as the Apostle Paul lays his claim to learning not from the other Apostles but to a revelation of Christ, similarly Jesus too was taught by his heavenly Father. But one must remember that though Paul was taught by God, his background and training in the philosophies of the Greek and under the great Gama’liel definitely helped him excel and do better than the others. In the Gospel of Luke (Lk.2:41-52), we have an insight in to the great family atmosphere in which Jesus grew and his mother playing that essential role through much patience and sound reasoning and constantly pondering on God’s eternal word made flesh in her womb and now dwelling with her.

God working out his plan: Can God begin a task and leave it incomplete; or do it in a shoddy way? In the saving action accomplished by Jesus on the Cross it was the sin of one man (Adam) that brought death to the human race, so also through the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross we are saved. (Rm. 5:12)

4) The woman was instrumental in the first sin and played a major role in that great fall. God working out his plan of salvation includes both men and women. Since the damage to the human race was through a woman so likewise in the work of salvation God chose a woman to accompany his Son as the new eve who will assist her Son to destroy the work of the evil one.  Mary too has a role to play in the great restoration which God has proclaimed in his Son Jesus. (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed." Luke 2:35     

Prayer: Immaculate heart of Mary, Pray for us that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

                                                                            -fr. conrad saldanha 

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Body and Blood of Christ

Why has God given us the body and blood of Christ to eat and drink of? How can we as human beings digest such a thought of having the body and blood of a human being? Isn't this cannibalism?
Eating and drinking:   is an ordinary daily exercise. We generally eat at least three meals a day. We eat in order to live and not live in order to eat. Yet the latter may be true with many of us, and thus many have to bear the various complications that result thereof. 

Once sitting with a friend in a restaurant and as we were served the meal, my friend seeing the pieces of green chilies remarked; “My doctor has advised me to avoid green chilies at any cost as it reduces your life span. I said under my breath; “Who wants to live long?”  Yet I cannot ask him this question because the reality is different; we are in the rat race for survival and only the fittest will survive.

So we have the diet regimen, the exercise regimen, the health foods and vitamins.

A doctor was once sharing with me about a patient who would regularly frequent his dispensary even in good health. He believed that only a regular consumption of tablets which the doctor gave him kept him healthy.  Though we had a hearty laugh over the whole issue yet the reality is, more or less, the same with most of us.  Flavonoids, Polyphenolic compounds and anti-oxidants and vitamins are the in thing, in the race for health and survival. Modern science spends billions on research into longevity and survival on Anti aging molecules and age defiers.

There are also, seekers after divinity and spiritual well-being, who go to any extent to deify themselves.  From basic hunger for power to rule over people and subjugate them according to their own goals and vision for life, to seeking to enter into divine bliss. This seeking has often entered a metaphysical world in which humans have even sought to dominate the dark spiritual world, by seeking prowess through the pseudo-science of Astrology, black magic, witchcraft and other esoteric practices. They have an element of power which is often used for wicked purposes, and even if they are deemed well, in the human sense of the term, they lead the seeker away from the one true living God, to the god of their own making.

Human effort to become supreme and divine is an age old desire. This desire is steeped in his ability to know and learn. It is the desire that spurs the mind to seek after an entity, that is higher than his present reasoning; a knowledge that will free him, from the bondages of pain and suffering and death. Since death is the inevitable suffering, humans seek to prolong this life. They have found success in the modern medicines to a large extent. We have people who live long to a grand old age on account of the developments in modern science and nutrition. Yet, ultimately they have to ultimately submit to death, because God has submitted us to its power.

Yet in the midst of this we have the age old medicinal systems that offer a solution to the immediate and particular suffering of humanity. There are many who are carried away by modern Gnosticism of Yoga, Vippassana, Zen and its various branches of philosophies. The focus of this philosophies and practices are based on irrational logic and immediate gratification and gain.  They either make you feel that you are god or cut you off from the reality of the one true God as revealed by Jesus.  These are philosophies which are based on human efforts and negate the great merciful and free gift of God offered in the sacrifice of his Jesus on the cross.

The innate desire to conquer, survive, achieve, dominate and rise above one’s present ability is something unique to humans.  This desire, in almost every human being, reaches, stretches unto eternity and the ultimate desire - to be gods. Every human being with a capacity to think has it. One either seeks to achieve it through renunciation, or through such accumulation which shows power and strength. Since this is intrinsic and innate to us, either at a micro or macro level, and if not accomplished we seek unjust, illegal and illicit way to achieve these goals. Those who make themselves God apart from the offer of God, ultimately want to put themselves on a higher position then God himself. They may even use the langauge or the concept of going beyond oneself and going beyond images and symbols. According to the Christian faith, satan wanted to go beyond and ascend even higher than God. Even, we could be doing this unwittingly under his deception.

God has created us with such innate capacity to seek excellence and the highest good, but minus the evil designs. We are still human raised to the level of God. In the incarnation of his Son Jesus, God meets us at this intensity in order to raise us to his level; the highest level beyond which there is nothing but eternity; a level where creature and creator meet on almost equal footing. 

His level means participation into the very life of God - beginning here.  It begins first with the faith and confidence in the providence of God and his presence with us; Emmanuel; God with us. It starts with a firm belief in the saving action of God, who justifies us through the saving action of Jesus on the cross. This justification once accomplished on the cross and in those who believe and are baptized continues to exert in our lives, a sanctification, until it is brought to completion on the day of Christ. It requires our constant yes; the yes that we once said at baptism has to be renewed at every baptism of fire the faithful may undergo.

The feeding on the Body and blood of Christ is both a symbolic and an existential reality to help us in this pilgrim walk.  So Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed”. Jn. 6:53-55

God in Christ Jesus has given himself to us: So that we may share in his very life, a life which is eternal and everlasting; life abundant (Jn. 10:10). This life will enable us to face the death threats of daily life as we begin to believe in the invincibility of ourselves in Christ Jesus. More so, we shall not be afraid to be like the grain that falls into the soil and dies. We too will die likewise to the many sinful tendencies and desires including the desire to be like god though the wickedness of human philosophies and ideologies and strivings.

Those who ignore this reality of Christ presence with us as soul and divinity ignores God’s offer to deify us and instead opts to feed his own innate desire with his own goals and agenda.  But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:12-13

We are quickened in the process of divinization by the Body and Blood of Christ through faith. The process is based on justice and truth. This justice is the accomplishment of God’s righteousness offered at the holy exchange of the cross. There are no shortcuts. Through faith one repents of one’s sinfulness and recalls one’s unworthiness and the blood of Christ cleanses them from all dead works and produces life.  One cannot attain God even with a superlative mantra or mind training or beating the body to submission apart from reconciliation to the will of God.
Long life achieved through practice of holistic spiritualities and rigour in no way is a guarantee of eternal life. It may lead to long life but not eternal life. This can well be compared to black money economy, in which the person who hoards can live an abundant life (in the material sense of the term) but when the law catches up with such a one, they end up condemned.  Similarly we may live a long healthy life through holistic spiritualities or is it a make believe world of good health, whatever, but the consequence is this; when the Day of Judgment catches up then they shall stand condemned for their actions.

Prayer:  Father in heaven, we thank you for the gift of life you offer us through Jesus. We thank you for his great sacrifice and offering of his Body and Blood which brings eternal life to all who receive him. May we value the Eucharist as your great gift to sanctify us and lead us to eternity. 
                                                              ::::::::Fr. Conrad Saldanha

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Trinity: an invitation to enter into the life of God.

It’s the season of the great feasts in the church. We shall soon be celebrating the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. One God but three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Each equally God and yet one God. 

The mystery of the Trinity has baffled many Christians and they have often shunned entering into the depth of the mystery; the mystery revealed to us by Jesus through the promised Holy Spirit. The primary way in which God brings us into his life is by once again breathing into us mortals his very own life - the Holy Spirit. He gives life to our mortal bodies, so that alive with his power we may now participate in his own life. You cannot exterminate, crush or vanquish this life. Thus as Christians who have been made alive by God through the grace of Baptism, we will grow as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the work of rejuvenation which he freely undertakes in us;for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure”. Phil 2:13

The concept of the Trinitarian God is unique to Christianity. God has revealed himself to us in his triune nature so that we may share in the same life that he himself shares with himself, in total fellowship and love. “..that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you may have fellowship with us; and our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ” 1 John 1:3.

Just as in a family all relationships begin with the fatherhood, likewise in our Christian life every relationship begins with the Fatherhood of God. The sin of humanity in this existential situation is not to recognize God as Father.  God overlooked the times of ignorance , but now he commands all men everywhere to repent” Acts 17:30. The very reason Jesus came was to reveal to us God as our loving Father and through faith in Him to find our ultimate fulfilment. Our fulfilment comes primarily through our relationship with him and not by good works; if good works was the criteria then the Lord, in the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 10, would perhaps have asked Cornelius to carry on with his good works and would not have had the apostle Peter called from Joppa.  God is sustenance for the soul just as food is sustenance for the body. Divine food is of far more value than earthly mission or food. This is not just a New Testament teaching but a teaching from the beginning; “.. that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone”.  Deut 8:3

The Holy Spirit who binds us into this relationship was introduced to us by Jesus in a new and dynamic way. We can now choose to live this life of grace and unity with God and with one another by living in this powerful fellowship or reject it to live a self-centered life, creating our own small ghetto community.

Jesus is the invisible head and the source of our unity while the Pope is the visible head and the sign of unity in the Church; a unity achieved through the promised Holy Spirit. Unity is often mistaken as uniformity as humans are often comfortable with this straight jacket kind of uniformity. Unfortunately, there are also some in the church who are working for this kind of unity resulting in a lack of the divine gifts in the church in the measure in which it was meant to be (1Cor. 12:4ff).  There is a flourishing of all kinds of rebellious doctrine and rational workings in the church of God and under domineering authorities in many places.  

For this we need to learn from the Trinity. Though each are equally God, yet they have different roles in the hierarchy of order. There is no room for jealousy and envy in the roles they perform.

The Trinity is not an abstract revelation but a reality whose mark we find in the created things of God. In other words, ‘God has left his mark on creation’.

The first instance of such a mark we find is in the first chapter of Genesis (26-27): “Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them”.
The passage of Scripture gives us an insight into the action of God in creating man: male and female. Like himself he gave them dominion over the works of his hands (Ps. 8:6-8). For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by humankind” James 3:7

Yet, the greatest mark he has left on us is his triune nature gone off target on account of the disobedience of sin which is at work in us (Rm. 11:32). Man is body, mind and spirit; a three in one! Yet we who know this truth never refer him as three different. We may experience some of the sinful conflict of body, mind and spirit, yet we will not say that they are three different entities. We may ultimately see the body corrupted in death yet we do not look at the human person as different from himself. Some have tried to separate the two or three by terms such as true self. If there is something called the true self then where is the other a false self?

Whether it is the soul that expresses or the mind or body, each so distinct and yet can at time express in great synchronization. In each expression of the mind and soul whether in art or writing we are able to recognize the signature of the man. When we ultimately have to define the person concretely and tangibly then the bodily form becomes the norm for universal recognition. This is so because we largely see through our eyes. 

Likewise, like our body Jesus is the visible, definite and tangible expression of God.He is the image of the invisible God” (Col 1:15a). The eternal Word who always existed with the Father;  “..the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” John 1:14.

Another mark of the Trinity we find in the largest object visible to man and one which sustains life on earth; the Sun.

Sadhu Kartar Singh a Sikh convert to Christ in the late 19th century was assailed with a deep doubt about the Trinitarian aspect of God.  He took this up before Jesus in Prayer, who revealed to him the truth through the example of the Sun. Though one yet the great heavenly body has three different aspects to it: The mass that exists in the sky, the light that emanates and the energy that it supplies to sustain life on earth.  We may separately identify the Sun through the individual aspects of the Light and Energy, yet the Sun is only one.

Likewise, God who dwells in the highest heaven as Father of us all, manifest himself through the light of Christ and energizes his chosen ones through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Again, if we delve into the great mystery of the smallest atom, we have the proton, neutron and electron and still further as we observe the protons which are positively charged particle we have the quarks and gluons and the magnetic field that binds them.

The magnet which is a great source of energy in the world and has played a gigantic role in the transformation of our present world through the production of electricity is again a great model to explain the Trinitarian aspect of God.  The North Pole and the South Pole and the magnetic field that exists between the two poles in a horse shoe magnet communicate a triune dimension of the invisible God.  

No wonder the Apostle Paul who may have not been exposed to modern scientific findings asserts that God has revealed himself in creation.  Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made” Rom 1:20. Hence no one can excuse oneself for not knowing God;So they are without excuse; for although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man or birds or animals or reptilesRom 1:20-23.

Though no one is excused for not knowing God, a Christian cannot excuse himself for not knowing the Trinity and entering into the mystery of the most Holy Trinity. Jesus has given us his Holy Spirit who will be with us and lead us into all truths. (Jn.16:13).

Prayer:  Lord by your Holy Spirit guide me into all truths and let me be faithful to your calling. Help me to dwell deeply into the mystery of the Trinity and find your rich blessings to lead a life of grace and strength. 

                                                                  )))))))> fr. Conrad Saldanha

Friday, June 10, 2011


                                         --fr. Conrad Saldanha
Years ago, when I was ordained to the priesthood, my sister presented me with a cell phone set, minus the SIM card. She missed an opportunity to keep in touch because I never really used the instrument! Two years later when I started the retreat ministry in the Archdiocese of Bombay, the team members, frequently complained about my inaccessibility, especially in matters that needed instant decisions.
The Mobile became a source of contact and easy accessibility. They could, in a way, now keep in touch anytime and anywhere.

Similarly, God has given us his Holy Spirit in baptism, which is God’s presence in us; a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (Eph. 2:22). Through him we are able to be with God and more so, God is with us, Emmanuel. We can now approach his holy throne through the indwelling Holy Spirit and receive from this throne the many blessings and graces he has given us (Eph. 3:12; Heb.4:16), including the fellowship of the saints in glory (Eph. 1: 18). We are able to communicate with the right person; God himself in the spirit (Rm. 8:15; Gal.4:6), while God communicates his wisdom and love to us (Rm.5:5).

As I look into the Scriptures, one of the statements of Jesus, that impresses me, and moves me immensely, is  the one from the Gospel of John;  "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water." Jn. 4:10
The greatest thirst of humanity is to find that meaning in life which would satisfy him or her totally.

The beauty of the passage is the intense passion in his pleading. It seems to show a sense of concern for the other’s need. The statement reveals the weakness of human nature that seems to know everything and yet is foolish enough, to ignore the essential and necessary aspects of life and survival. It is as if Jesus speaking to the woman is addressing the whole human race; “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you…..”  Truly, if only we knew this great gift of God. Yet, our response is always like the woman; she completely misses the point. Here, we see another aspect of human frailty which is a fall out of our sinfulness; what is communicated and what is understood is quite different. God is patient with our sinfulness and slowness and hence Jesus switches mode and gets to an extraordinary level of communication whereby she recognizes him as prophet. Jesus is indeed that someone extraordinary who is to be trusted even though not fully understood.

Jesus switches mode; from logical arguments to extraordinary sign and appeal. This is deliberately done because Jesus knew that logic doesn’t always work especially when it comes to communicating the things of God to sinful humanity, even though it was the most logical and extraordinary knowledge. She seeing him as a prophet, as that someone extraordinary, is half the problem solved. Now it moves to a level of trust irrespective if I understand Jesus or not. This is exactly what the Apostle Peter does when he is confused and bewildered: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (Jn. 6:68). You are much safer than science, logic, human wisdom or god men or baba’s. You are worthy to be trusted and believed in.    
(Compare with Gen. Chapter 3: In the first temptation in the garden of Eden, the serpents argument is based on pure logic and the woman is impressed, gets converted and reaches out in service to her beloved husband and wins him and through  him the human race.  But this futile service ultimately led to the ruin of human race.)

On the other hand, let’s have a look at the various thirsts that an individual could have besides the basic necessity of food, water, clothing and shelter; it could be wealth, power, acceptance, self-glory, pride, sinful habits and bondages. Rarely is one satisfied with what one has, and always seeks for more. It’s like a person who is given water to quench his thirst and if given a glass of soft drink or beer will gulp that too. Even though the initial thirst has been quenched by water but the underlying thirst for the pleasures of life never dies. Besides these, there is also the thirst to do good, to reach out to the less fortunate, to love and show affection but apart from God, they can be self motivated exercises aiming towards a goal that is normally steeped in self-glory.

To have a thirst is not the problem, but how it is quenched and the whole purpose and goal of such a thirst is where the problem lies. To thirst is the natural desire and is the right thing to have. Where and how it is directed makes it good or evil. What are we quenching our thirst with?

Where will humanity direct its thirst, when they themselves are so confused, and do not know their true destiny, and where to find the ultimate meaning of life. That which is peripheral is mistaken to be the core truth.

Jesus teaches us the ultimate meaning of life and gives our life a direction. Jesus’ revelation of eternity in his resurrection and the importance of the individual in the sight of God are the ultimate thirst every human being craves for in some measure or the other. Where is life’s ultimate destiny and who am I in this journey of life, why do I exist are the very question Jesus has answered for us in this passage of scripture.

1) “the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (Jn. 4:14) – this water will quench the thirst for the search for eternity and help us overcome the negative pulls of sin and death.

2)  “the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship Him” (Jn. 4:23) – This water will help us relate with God in a personal and real way. If God is with us, what else do we require; to quench our many thirsts? In God alone is our real and ultimate fulfillment.

The Holy Spirit is God’s free gift to quench the ultimate and greatest thirst of man; the thirst for the ultimate, the thirst for the absolute truth which will help him find meaning and happiness in life. It is only Jesus who gives him to us. Scripture teaches us that the life of God, which is the Holy Spirit, was poured out for humanity, in all its abundance, on the altar of the cross; “…you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water." (Jn. 4:10) Without asking, no spirit!
Jesus is the one who gives us instruction on the Holy Spirit, the promised one. If he was not to be known then Jesus would not have revealed him to us. We need to first know him and the power that he is able to exert in our lives and desire to receive him and allow his working in us. Then only can we have the ‘gift of God’; the Holy Spirit by welcoming him.

Know him and you will be known by him; Jesus would not have revealed to us the Holy Spirit if he was not to be known and received (Jn.14:17).

What are we missing by not knowing the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the life giver. God only is eternal life and the source of it. We need this life of God for happiness, peace and joy. We need this life to overcome the bondages of life and to live in the freedom of God’s children. We need this life to overcome all those forces that are against life; Satan, sin and death. In other words, our abundance of life is not in being experts or achieving the extraordinary in the world, but in having the Holy Spirit of God, given to us through faith in his Son Jesus to all who ask of him. This Holy Spirit is also received in a faith community where Jesus is the centre.

The Holy Spirit fulfills the above mission through the following way:

1) Ongoing instruction and formation(Jn.16:12-13): Our growth is in growing in the image and likeness of God, as revealed in Christ Jesus; that’s the measure and criteria of growth (Jn.14:26; Lk.12:12);  Instructions for growth and instruction for defense, instructions that will convict us of sin, righteousness and judgment (Jn. 16:8) .

2) Relationship with God: The Holy Spirit helps us in establishing a relationship with God. This relationship helps us withstand the forces of darkness and hostility that seek to draw us away from God and his wisdom (cfr.Jn.14:16-17).  He is the seal and guarantee and it is he alone who can save us unto eternity (2Cor.1:22).

3) Comforter (2Cor.1:4, 7:6): He is our comforter as we journey on this treacherous and difficult path, which cost God’s beloved Son the great pain of being sacrificed on the Cross of humiliation and shame, accompanied with both physical and mental torture.  Similarly, we too will find ourselves victims of the same torture by senseless men in position of power and authority. The Holy Spirit will be our guide and comforter at such moments, even giving us the wisdom to speak the right thing when faced with such trials (Lk.12:12) .

5) Empowering with the gifts: the Holy Spirit is given to usHoly Sp to accomplish Jesus’ mission of enlightening the human race about the importance of one’s soul and the ultimate destiny of each one (Jn.15:26). He paid the price in order to actualize it for us. The Holy Spirit makes us God’s Children and God’s presence in this human world; notch above the rest!  He empowers the church with his gifts to accomplish his mission of building the Church which he has redeemed by his blood (Eph.4:11-13).

6) Character formation and strength: The worship of God in Spirit and truth is the simplest and easy way to form ourselves in his character. If bad company spoils good morals (1Cor. 15:33) likewise the good company of God’s presence in true worship enhances our personalities. The quenching of the thirst makes us secure so as not to seek after worldliness. We are made instruments in service to God and neighbor, for he helps us how to pray (Rm.8:24).

7) Fellowship and love: One of the great fruit of the Holy Spirit is the spirit of unity and fellowship he brings about. (Acts 2:44-45). He does it!

These are the elements that make the church alive to face and even convert the world, rejecting these actions of the Holy Spirit is much more serious than any abuse in the church. It’s the same as sinning against the Holy Spirit; a grievous sin (Mt. 12:32; Mk. 3:29; Lk. 12:10).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, May I always value your precious gifts, especially the gift of your Holy Spirit, fill me with this power. Make me your instrument and may I always be attentive to the promptings of your Holy Spirit in all that I do.

Friday, June 3, 2011


                                                                            >--> fr. conrad saldanha  
As the great season of Easter wanes away, we anticipate the celebration of Ascension, which in a way marks the completion of Christ Salvific mission here on earth.  The feast is celebrated in a single day, in a casual way, and is forgotten. Its importance and relevance to the whole of our Christian living is hardly referred to.

To add to the problem, in many Dioceses the feast is celebrated on a Sunday. Though, historically, Ascension was celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter, which is on a Thursday.

The tragedy; the relevance of this day and what Christ has accomplished for us stand underestimated. We have become losers of an opportunity to catechize anyone in the essential significance of this feast.  And more so, we have failed in an opportunity to witness to the world the ascended Lord.

Ascension is that event which took place when Christ our Lord, after having risen from the dead, appeared to his disciples at various times and in various places for forty days and then ascended into heaven from their midst.  (Mk. 16:19, Lk. 24:51, Acts 1:2)

For the Apostles it was a culmination of the post resurrection experience, when Christ Jesus after having convinced the disciples of his rising, and then having nudged them back into the saddle (see Article of 13th May, 2011 on this blog site) is now desiring, that they wait for his new presence; the promised Holy Spirit.

In order to understand the magnificence of what Christ has done we need to understand the beauty of life’s processes.  Life and learning is a beautiful process. 

After having formed his Apostles for a period of three years, and having told them all that the Son of man would have to undergo, Jesus still knew that, no matter, how effective a speaker or communicator he may have been, it would still be difficult to get his message across to them at one go; though they had heard what he had to tell them, they had not comprehended it, in its totality.

In the post resurrection period, we have Jesus treating the sinful disease of the disciples; the lost focus, the unfaithfulness and their misplaced priorities had to be corrected. (See Article of 13th May, 2011 on this blog site) He gives them a new orientation. Their days of formation are almost over and now they have to launch out into the deep. And so one last instruction; “…he charged them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father.  (Acts 1:4) Wait for Pentecost!

The significance of the last instruction: It is always important, for one would communicate only that which is relevant and imperative at the time of departure. Jesus’ last instructions are effective because of his special relationship with the disciples, which makes a difference; a high recall value and hence practice of it is not difficult.  Added to this is the new support structure by way of a management change; for Peter is a changed man with a new and renewed vision and Mary who continues humbly and mildly with her unassuming presence. The process in accomplishing Christ’s mission is not over, for it is not even begun. It is still at stage one, even though on the last leg of stage one, yet they have to wait. His ascension message is clear; they have to wait in Jerusalem till they are clothed with power. 

Some have begun already, but the others join the group late, in the upper room; waiting, praising and thanking God. 

Waiting, if stretched too far, leads to grumbling. The pain of waiting at a mere half hour Eucharist is enough to cause many tongues to become petulant. Hence we feel the need for smiling priests and fast track celebrants to keep us going. But the truth never changes, without waiting one cannot receive the empowerment from Jesus.  

So also, no praise can be based on empty rituals. When one praises God or thanks him, especially in our waiting then we are allowing God to work in our lives. Since we praise God for something, the Apostles now have a reason to praise God; to recollect the significant element of Christ’s teaching and the clear goal or vision which the ascension communicates, to praise God.   

In other words, the Ascension of Jesus is the visible, effective and fulfilled mission of Christ, yet incomplete without our cooperation. He has made himself humbly weak to his chosen ones, so as not to do anything without us.

Every disciple of Christ is invited to look and behold this ascended Christ, and be sure of him being present in our midst, in the light of the eternity it communicates. The challenges of this present reality become difficult when we are faced with those forces of life which drags us away from Christ.  The Apostles did it beautifully, in all patience, by spending much time in his presence, waiting on him. They were recollecting and waiting, praising and thanking in order to be clothed with power from above. A ten day retreat programme!

The five day retreat programme which we used to conduct was in itself so difficult.

How then did the Disciples manage the 10 day wait? Of course, it is always more difficult for those watching from outside then the practitioners.  But in the process of Jesus’ priority it had to be thus. We cannot be God’s instrument unless we learn to wait on him, be clothed with power and then equipped, to go in his name.

Humans, by nature, always live in hope. It could be a hope of a new day or a better tomorrow. Apart from hope, he would become suicidal, and find life a meaningless exercise to live for. The unfortunate part of their life is the deception in the hope they hold on to. They hopefully live and plan for a tomorrow which they have neither seen nor lived in: Who has seen tomorrow? Yet they would not want to believe in the tomorrow of Jesus!

Christian life is a definite and sure hope. It may initially begin with a feeling that is rooted in deception but Christ always gives his disciples a glimpse and an experience of the sure hope which only he can give us. That experience is the foundation of the immovable faith of the Disciples of Christ. 

Here in brief are the many insights into the meaning of ascension:
v  Ascension made them recollect that they no longer belong here, for Christ has appeared to take us with him. Our ultimate roots are in Christ and with him we shall be for all eternity.
v  Assurance of his constant presence and intercession, whereby they will go fearlessly in his name. He is at a vantage point; he is now much closer to us then we are to ourselves.
v  He has also brought us closer to each other in his ascension. Like a satellite that brings the human race closer to each other, likewise he draws all men to himself and to each other in the bond of Catholic love. If Christ is not the centre than humanism can bring true and everlasting unity.
v  He is the seat of all power and authority both in heaven and on earth.  Hence nothing can happen to his beloved ones, unless he has permitted it and nothing evil can befall them that he can’t make it work for the good of those who look with joyful hope for the coming of their Lord and Savior. (Rm. 8:28)
v  He will keep empowering those who follow him faithfully with the promised Holy Spirit.
v  That life is one complete process ending with us living for all eternity in the place in which Christ has gone ahead and prepared for us.
v The Ascension of Jesus helps us lead a fuller, richer and meaningful life in this world because Christ our Lord in his ascension has given us a sure hope.

If such is the significance of this feast then the Church needs to order itself to a restoration of this great and significant historical event in the life of Christ.

Bring back the Ascension Thursday. In a discussion on an appropriate day for the celebration of the feast of Ascension, the majority, i.e. over 90 percent of the participants wanted a return to the 40 days rather than a convenient Sunday. Since it is such a significant feast, what could be done is to have a continuum of celebration beginning with the Thursday; making it obligatory to be part of the liturgy on all or one of these days, with the Thursday as the beginning, and as an important day of celebration. Each day could have its own theme.  If need be the mass timing could be changed to suit the working crowds.

This could set in process a trend to welcome another great feast of Pentecost with greater fervor and devotion. The faithful can then look forward to the great empowering which Christ bestows on his beloved ones.

Like the disciples, family members could come together to praise and thank God for the Ascension of Christ. On account of which, Christ’s salvific action is effectively implemented in our lives and we encounter his presence and empowerment. A Para-liturgical service could be prepared for the home to help the families accordingly. 

Those in the liturgical ministries and formation could think of having special songs prepared which communicates the message of Ascension and Christian hope.

                               Song of Ascension: In my Father’s house
In my Father’s house are many mansions, each one of you will have one for yourself.
Not a hut, not a room, not a house, but a huge big mansion for each one of you.
Do you believe in this offer, the promise of a trustworthy man named Jesus?
If you do so, and raise your hearts in praise and thanksgiving to God in all things,
Then eternity is surely at your doorstep and life will take a new turn for you.
If you have a doubt, then look to his ascension at the right hand of power and majesty.

See the poster on the wall, Christ’s offer is surer than that.
Listen to your mother’s voice, When the Lord speaks he is more trustworthy than her
Hear the man in office, who is he, without God sustaining him?
I will doubt the thousand voices speak one language, if they do not speak the tongue of Christ ascended.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, speak to my heart your eternal message of hope and assurance and then by your grace transform me to be your instrument of God’s power and love. Amen.