Friday, March 25, 2011

The ills of Society: a brief analysis towards a solution. –fr. conrad saldanha

The Libyan crisis has made the world sit up and think. Opinions are divided; on the one hand, there some who believe that they need to interfere, and on the other hand, there are those who believe that there should be no interference in the internal affairs of a country. It’s a country ruled by a dictator they say and now he is attacking his own people. On the face of it the actions seems to be a justified one.  On the other hand one begins to wonder at the stand taken by some who are opposed to air strikes and interference. How could they not oppose a regime that seeks to harm its own people?
The aim of this exercise is not to discuss the morality of such an action, but to analyse the human morality and freedom, and seek a solution to our existential crisis for our lives. Just an analysis will not suffice; an awareness exercise is not a solution for the ills of society, but a pragmatic and practical solution is. The western morality is generally human centric, promoting human rights and dignity, whereby any wrong done to human beings is condemned, and the freedom of the individual has to be respected.  The wisdom behind it is good and true.  Whereas the eastern mind generally respects community and family, and governing authorities, as more important than individuals, and the individual’s right is bound up to the governing authority. This also seems good and true. An individual cannot act at freewill and disturb community life and unity.  The quandary is this; what comes first?
Holding on to either of the two by rejecting the other is what extremism all about. Ideally the two go together.  Man is an individual placed in a society. What comes first? Is it the society or is it the individual.  The clarity is important, if it is not resolved than all our lives we will be carried away by the narrow vision of seeking social justice and solutions based on certain idealism.  Many of the struggles for social justice are based on a society blame principle, as if the human individual can do no wrong.
In a given wrong, one could either blame the society or the individual.  It’s true that society and culture does influence the person and his thinking. Many of our actions and behavior patterns are rooted in the family values, and situations in which we are born and brought up in. Hence we have certain cultures, certain families and certain language groups, that exhibit a certain pattern of behavior.  Yet we cannot be foolish and specify or quantify larger behavior patterns. Hence we could say; generally, rather than brand all and every one under a specific category.  
The socialist would love to blame society for an individual’s waywardness.  Does it resolve the question of the individual’s responsibility?  If a human being was a zombie, without a capacity to think or act then the society could be blamed for their behavior; (Given that the society in which the individual is bred and brought up in, has the means and will, to impart intellectual knowledge to this individual in the first place.)
The other situation can that be of force, deception and subjugation; a minor could be forced, deceived and subjugated into stealing and the blame could be on the adult or society. Yet even in this situation, teaching the minor the whole reason for righteous living and walking in uprightness is necessary. If a grown-up complains of such a situation and seeks to blame others and society, then it is just another method of deception.  An alcoholic could blame his father or mother for his state, but that in no way would help him to overcome, or deal with the situation, and resolve it.  
Ideally the configuration of both factors is important and necessary. But they cannot both have the same value. Though Society has a role in influencing the thinking and behavioral pattern of individual.  Yes, one could justifiably blame it on society for an individual’s condition and way of thinking but further an individual’s free will and thinking can always make him rise above his narrow condition. The exercise of his freewill is what empowers him to rise above his situation. The adult’s responsibility to seek, know and implement the truth of life cannot be absolved.  I cannot absolve myself from the law which considers murder a grave crime on the basis of ignorance or poor will to resist. If it does happen then one requires rehabilitation.   Nor can I blame society for leaving me in such a lurch; for these are certain things which are discerned in one’s conscience. If society doesn’t teach me then I know in my heart what I desire from the other and hence I do unto others what I want others to do to me.(Mt.7:12) Therefore in the ultimate situation the individual has to take responsibility for what he or she has done.
Yet there are certain other factors which reduces the culpability of an individual while the objective norm remains; such as the emotional and mental state and situation in which an individual is born and brought up in and the present circumstance and intention. 
The interesting fact to debate is this: Who has the greater influence; the society on the individual or the individual on society?  Very rarely have we had individuals, who have made a big impact on society, but rarer still, are there visible instances where society has played a major role on individuals. Still, we cannot easily arrive at a concrete measure.  And this is all the more difficult because a society is not uniform entity so as to propound a fixed theory.  There are the leaders of the people who guide the fortunes and behavior patterns of the society too. Then we have the learning institutions and role models whom both individuals and societies ape and imitate and look for wisdom and guidance. The majority want it easy. We have them as leaders over us while we only rave and imitate them even in their unruly and disruptive ways.  There is always the instructive way in which education seeks to inculcate values in an individual. But by the time a person grows up, he does not know how to differentiate between sound values and false. The moral principle and the ethical way of life are not always clear. It is a dark confusing world.  Some of you reading this article will find it confusing. Life a complicated and dark entity! Where do we seek to find the solutions of life? Can we go for that perfect role model or that perfect instruction which could help us to grow in the right direction?  Just a role model is not enough for it is not good and safe to imitate an individual whose talents and gifts are far different than mine.  
Our search for that superman, the prefect man has to go on. Could there be one in the long history of human beings that superman who could be the perfect solution for our predicament. Jesus Christ surely fits in perfectly.  Does anyone want to dispute with what I propose?  Try knowing Jesus and see if there has been anyone anywhere near him in comparison.  You won’t find one! Remember, I am not proposing a dead man; that would be like proclaiming a dead truth. What I am proclaiming is a living truth and hence Jesus as superman becomes so very special.  The dead man Jesus showed super human qualities but the living Jesus, who rose from the dead, is with us to assist us to live life. HE clears the constant confusion and enlightens us, in the dark reality that surrounds us. Unfortunately, many Christians seek only the superman Jesus and try to live by his wisdom but fail to humbly seek the help of the living Jesus who still is with us (Emmanuel) to help us in our weakness to be super human beings.
Then there will no longer be a human being blaming society for his own misfortunes, while absolving himself from responsibility. Instead, in his place, we will have an individual who will praise God even for the evils of the past and rise above every power and forces that may seek to overcome him;
Ps 40:16-17 Let all those that seek and require You rejoice and be glad in You; let such as love Your salvation say continually, The Lord be magnified!  [As for me] I am poor and needy, yet the Lord takes thought and plans for me. You are my Help and my Deliverer. O my God, do not tarry! 
 We have the power of the Resurrection in our life to help conquer; this Power that Jesus gives to those who ask. HIS HOLY SPIRIT.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank you for revealing to me this moment, that you are the one, we should look for, and look no further for solutions to our existential and human problems. Help me to live by your wisdom and to be guided by your constant grace and assistance. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lent: an opportune season! -Fr. Conrad Saldanha

The beautiful thing about seasons, is that they come and go at their appointed times, and achieve that what they are meant to do. The consequences for an individual can either be good, bad or indifferent. Seasons are just a change in the climatic conditions of nature and atmosphere. Yet they have such a vast and drastic influence on human beings. We need to be geared up to face it! Imagine preparing for monsoons without rain gear or for summer without a fan or an air conditioner at home, or for winter without warm clothing’s, etc. Some special food and clothing’s find their real use in a particular season.  Even a well bred businessman knows that there are seasons for making money and they need to take advantage of it.

Seasons come and go, they influence our lifestyle and thinking yet not all would benefit as much or enjoy the fruit of a season unless one is geared up and well prepared to take advantage of the season.  To the young you need not teach how to take advantage of the parties and celebrations. It’s a season too, to take advantage of.  The most beautiful thing concerning a season is that those who take advantage of the available fruits and produce, can even benefit from it all throughout the year and even longer.

Similarly, the season of lent is a season in which only those reap the benefit who know how to take advantage of it. Just as young couple would take advantage of Valentine day and other such opportunities similarly lent is a moment, a season to take advantage of; to express our love for God in whom alone our soul could find rest. Mangoes and derivates could be available to us throughout every season but the abundance and special flavor is available to us only in its season. And when the whole community is at it why should one lose the moment of opportunity to indulge in the joys of the moment.

“It’s never too late to mend”, goes a famous proverb.  More so when the goal we are seeking and the joy thereof is the highest and the best; it’s better than having mangoes and wealth and houses and loads of every pleasure at our disposal. The psalmist who has tasted such a wonderful joy has his goal and vision clear; “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple”. Ps 27:4 He shall not look to the seasons and opportunities of this materialistic world but will rather go all out for the divine fulfillment.

To do that we need to first change the motives of our heart before we take a plunge in seeking the heavenly pleasures. We may find ourselves taking up this assignment in right earnestness and along the way forget the purpose and goal of our activities. It is like a person, who begins in right earnestness to serve his people, but ends up swindling them. It is like a man who answers the divine call in right earnestness to serve God, but ends up serving his own selfish cause. Or an individual who takes up higher studies, and keeps forgetting his goals, unless reminded by someone or by the pressures of exams.

So, when you fast or pray or give alms do not forget to seek God’s glory rather than self glory or else we may end up as hypocrites.(ref. Mt.6:1-16)

So often, people ask me about fasting and prayer and alms giving. How to do it quietly and without fanfare? How much to give and why? Isn’t alms giving and reaching out to others more important than prayer and fasting? Isn’t works more important than faith?  Or they would point at others or at people in the renewal ministry as being hypocrites. Why? Because they pray aloud and go contrary to Jesus’ injunction; thus act like the hypocrites. Those who think like this are people who have missed a point and have only manifested their hypocrisy of not attending to the log in their own eye. 

Some fast during the whole season of lent and give-up on drinks and favorites. Some make it a point to avoid non-vegetarian food and go through great lengths to give alms and yet may have very little time for God and prayer. God may never be the centre or the reason for such action. People,  undertake a  fast for various reasons; some fast to slim down, some fast to detoxify, some fast for health reasons, some fast to show-off.

What do you fast for?  The purpose for fasting and alms giving needs to be aimed at, being detached from our carnal self and be attached to the divine; to be guided by his Holy Spirit, and thus to be filled with heavenly graces. Fasting, penance and alms giving, in any form should be aimed at helping us grow in the love and faith of Christ; who alone is worthy of our love and affection.

There are some who would jump to judgments and may even condemn such thinking as being only vertical in thinking. The Christian tradition of reaching out to others flows from its vertical spirituality; the God whom we love and want to serve directs our hearts to love others too, directing each one according to one’s ability and talents. I once met a Christian gentleman who did a lot of charity and at the same time boasted of his new found faith based on human values and the equality of all religions.  I was compelled to remind him that if today he is doing any acts of charity it is on account of his Christian background and influence. It is not the believers of humanity and religious ideologies who are major practitioners of Charity but the Christians and statistics proves it all. Hence, those who seek to build apart from God will only be promoting and building their own kingdoms and communities in the name of Christianity. For them spirituality is a way of soothing and comforting the exploited ones who are deceived by them and made use of to build their own kingdoms and communities. Therefore they have no qualms of conscience to promote a self-centric diabolic spirituality based on eastern practices and crude holistic approaches which ultimately promote their own ends.

The aim of this article is not to discourage fasting and alms giving but rather to fight the hypocrisy and to keep God’s glory as the ultimate purpose of our doing things rather than seek to build one’s kingdom (I Cor. 10:31).  Hence fasting and alms giving is good, it helps us if we embark on it with the right attitude and spirit. Then we will not do it because the law says it or the church requires it but because God desires it, that too for my own good and for his greater glory. We will participate in the process not because of a mere external injunction but rather because of our need for repentance and transformation; a groan of a faint heart and a weak spirit. This fasting, prayer and almsgiving is not the pure human triumph but the participation with God in his triumph. We shall seek his help during every part of the journey; he who has given us his Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.

To further aid us in this journey we will seek the wisdom of the servants of Christ, and read books and the rich spiritual wisdom offered by the ancient tradition of the Church; through the writings of the desert fathers.  Then there is the help of the Sacraments and devotions which ingrains in us a piety that strengthens us to face the constant onslaught of the evil one, in fighting against the concupiscence of the flesh and mind. “I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”. Rom 12:1-2

Fasting and alms giving can also gain new meaning and significance for the faithful of God. It takes the meaning of sacrifice with thanksgiving and gratitude. The invitation of Christ to discipleship gains a new significance and meaning and hence the need of participating in the constant dying and rising process.  “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” John 12:24-25. The participation in the dying and rising process becomes then an ongoing exercise not just at lent and Ash Wednesday but also throughout the year. It takes on a wider meaning and perspective of dying to our many selfish hungers of power, self glory, revenge, hate, greed and self indulgence, self assertions, fears, anxieties and guilt. Otherwise our fight against sin and achieving perfection, can take on wicked dimensions of human pride and self glory, predisposed to condemnation, judgments and prejudice, and above all, a hypocrisy which finds faults in the other rather than the self. Those in leadership could end up promoting a human agenda opposed to true godliness and sound Christian doctrine.
Let this lent then be an occasion, a season of grace to earnestly embark on a journey of seeking a right relationship with God even as it offers us the means, through the various actions of the church and the wisdom derived from its traditions. Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed. Ps 34:5

Prayer: Lord help me to be faithful to your calling of being your true disciple and seek you with all my heart in this wonderful season,  so that I may reap its fruit all throughout my life and lead a life that is pleasing to God. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Euthanasia: The murderous intentions in legal form- Fr Conrad Saldanha

Euthanasia is a widely discussed topic in India today. Thanks to the Aruna Shanbag case in our country.  The whole nation was caught up in an animated debate on this subject and there must have been many among us who may have wondered about the Church’s stand on this subject. The Church has always stood for promoting human dignity and life. It has been the voice and conscience of the masses on this subject. In his encyclical Evangelium vitae (Ev.) Pope John Paul II stated: "In harmony with the Magisterium of my predecessors and in communion with the Bishops of the Catholic Church, I confirm that euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God, since it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person. This doctrine is based upon the natural law and upon the written law of God and is transmitted by the Church's Tradition and taught by the ordinary and universal Magisterium" (EV. 65).

Consequently, it could be contrary to the right to life and to equity to permit the killing by euthanasia of the sick, dying or disabled, even in the case of voluntary euthanasia (Catechism. 2273, 2237; Ev. 71-72). Human life is a gift from God who remains its sovereign; man has no right to deliberately destroy what belongs to God (Catechism of the Catholic Church.  2277, 2260, 2258, and 2280). Moreover, the deliberate killing of an innocent person attacks the dignity and right to life that everyone has as an image of God and as a sacred being set apart by the Creator from all earthly creatures (Gen 1:26-28, 2:19-20).
According to Pope John Paul, these truths about why murder is wrong are revealed by our faith, but they are also discernible by human reason. Murder is prohibited by both revealed law (accessible to faith) and by natural law (accessible to reason) (Ev.  57).
Ethically, assisted suicide is completely against the law of God because the person giving the victim a lethal drug or device is implicitly accepting the victim's immoral decision to commit suicide (see Ev.  66). According to Catholic teaching, suicide or self-murder is gravely immoral for basically the same reasons that murder is wrong (ibid.).
What could be the reason for seeking Euthanasia: The proponents of Euthanasia have their own reasons for vociferously advocating this cause. Here are some of the reasons and the Christian response to such arguments.
1) Choice: a personal decision which cannot be imposed by others. In our era of freedom, ‘choice’ is the new byword for existential living.  Hence you have the pro-choice who would want to decide; with them as the centre of decision making.  We are not here in this world by choice nor do we opt for parents and economic situation and nations and languages, etc. by choice. There are some things in life we have no option. The beauty of life is to seek to conquer these obstacles of life rather than running away from it. Our education seeks to ingrain in us the value of overcoming and striving in the face of failure. We cannot have one standard for the physically and mentally growing child and another standard for the comatose or those voluntarily seeking one’s end. The beauty of life is in prodding the other to seek what is good and noble in life rather than being a pessimist. We cannot have two standards; one for the growing and the other for those who think that life is a full stop with no sign of further evolvement. The human quality to self exceed and motivate others to self exceed in the face of handicap brings joy and a sense of self fulfillment to both.
The aim of legislation is to check the human frailty to selfish activity and wrongs. Leaving certain things to doctors or courts or human beings is fine but when it comes to those  elements of life which has to do with human life and dignity than there has to be the submission to an objective universal law;  respect human life and do not tamper with it.   Certain laws cannot be left for human interpretation; do not kill. No human being has the right to kill except for self defense. Yet one must remember that even the right to self defense flows from inordinate self love.  For the Church human life is sacred right from the moment of conception.
The spectacle of life is made beautiful when the strong becomes the protector of the weak. Who does not marvel and appreciates this rule of life. It gives one a special joy whether in movies or in sports arena to see the weak triumph over the strong and still more if the weak triumphs over the wicked strong.  Life is a constant action where the strong seeks to promote life by education and training especially on survival and sustenance; let’s grow and let others grow. The secret of growth is this: especially when human beings fail to see growth there could be growth in life.
2) Economic factors: The expensiveness of medicines especially for the poor is mentioned as reason for demanding euthanasia. The problem arises when the ones capable of affording considers it as unaffordable. Is the value of money more important than life? Here the argumentative factor is this:  whether a given medical means should be omitted?  The focus should be on whether the treatment is futile or burdensome and never should it be a question of deciding whether the person's life is burdensome or futile. No material value can be attached to human life.
3) Freedom from Suffering and pain: An athlete or even a student is well appreciated when they overcome the obstacles of life through great struggle and pain in order to achieve. The ones who have risen above the pains of life to face it have inspired others not to give up easily in the face of life.
For a Christian this inspiration first of all comes from the life of Christ. The ‘innocent one’ who suffered great hardship and pain; there was never a human being in the history of the human race who underwent such great agony. He has taught us the true value and meaning of suffering. With Faith in Him, suffering gains a new meaning and value because there is hope in Him. Suffering then becomes purification; forms character and make us more human and compassionate.  Yet this is not the end of our teaching on the value of suffering because this hope is also based on the eternity of our calling. Therefore suffering has a salvific value both for us and for others. In other words we can offer our sufferings which may many a time be on account of our own misdeeds and sinfulness but now united to Christ’s suffering is sanctified and acceptable to God for the salvation of others and for our own selves.
On the other hand it may so happen that those who support the cause of Euthanasia, there can be no guaranteeing that they would not face the trauma and pain of guilt for having assisted in the death of one’s beloved . And those who refuse to acknowledge such sickness communicate a hardened heart, a conscience which refuses to see the value of human life as a gift of God; what you have not created or given you have no right to take it away.
It is not the patient who may be in much pain whereby one would demand euthanasia but the ones who demand. Their arguments may seem cogent but the pain is more in them than in the suffering patient. I consider it a psychological disorder in which a person has not learnt to handle his own traumatic past and begins to empathize with the sufferer in such a way that the empathizer is in greater agony and pain than the sufferer.
4) Another reason given to legalize euthanasia is that if doctors have the liberty to create life, why not of ending it. Nowadays doctors have the ability and are allowed to bring forth human life artificially in labs. Who gave them that right? The government did. Therefore, doctors should also be allowed to end life, especially when the person desires it. This is a poor argument: the Doctors as being the ones who bring forth life. These may even cite new research and test tube babies as example.  The Church has always condemned the tampering of human life.  Just as in life one lie leads to another and then a greater lie to cover up so also the practice of justification of one kind of evil leads to another. For example; In Holland where Euthanasia is legalized it began with the legalization of voluntary euthanasia after some years lead to the legalization of even involuntary form of euthanasia.
5) A better quality of life. “There is no life after death and hence no better quality of life except in life”. Yet the truth is that life is nobler in sacrificial giving. Our pride our arrogance makes us believes that we are the ones giving. Very rarely does one talk about the beauty of receiving from the ones who cannot give. The ones who cannot give are the ones who give too. Their giving which is without giving. It is like the giving of the Sun which does not give us Vitamin D but yet gives because in us there is an ability to convert the rays of the sun into Vitamin D. Similarly the giving of the comatose and the so called useless and the suffering. If only we could recognize the giving of these less fortunate brothers and sisters of ours by listening to the testimonies of those in willing service. They may not be able to express the subtle nature of such influence.   Jean Vanier in his book “Community and Growth” has this to say; “I am struck by how sharing our weakness and difficulties is more nourishing to others than sharing our qualities and successes." It is this visible weakness which silently works among humanity and animates its many action as if God working through and shining though our human weakness. For a Christian this is all the more a reality. I presume that besides the mandate of Christ this is the key reason for the ongoing joy and service to the rejects and unwanted of society.
The court in India has adopted what is known as passive euthanasia. The treading into an area where human life cannot be snuffed out by any human individual or institution is dangerous. There could be a situation where the human being is totally brain dead but may be kept alive on totally artificial means and this could be criminal. But in case of persons where life can still survive even after removing artificial means then one has to discern the means to adopt on the basis of various parameters.  The New Catholic Encyclopedia provides us with a parameter based on the four conditions of the principle of double effect:
  1. The act itself must be morally good or at least indifferent.
  2. The agent may not positively will the bad effect but may permit it. If he could attain the good effect without the bad effect he should do so. The bad effect is sometimes said to be indirectly voluntary.
  3. The good effect must flow from the action at least as immediately (in the order of causality, though not necessarily in the order of time) as the bad effect. In other words the good effect must be produced directly by the action, not by the bad effect. Otherwise the agent would be using a bad means to a good end, which is never allowed.
  4. The good effect must be sufficiently desirable to compensate for the allowing of the bad effect“ (p. 1021).
The ordinary means is always valid but the problem arises when extraordinary means are used to keep a person alive. For example; when a person who has a heart problem has to travel regularly to the USA for treatment, that would mean ‘extraordinary means’, when the same could be achieved here in India-ordinary means.  The principle has its limitation and one of the great dangers would be to go by the principles, even to the extent of being pharisaical in our approach to the problem. The danger of confusion post action, doubting our intentions and attitudes when dealing with the problem may surface. Instead our predicament should lead us to depend on the living God who speaks to us and guides us. All principles and laws without a sound ongoing relationship with the living God can lead to pharisaical futility and may even harm the order of things.
Finally, For Pope John Paul II, so flagrantly inhuman and unjust is euthanasia, so detrimental to the common good, that its legalization can never be morally justified, even by appeal to majority will within a democratic system (Ev. 68-71). And a law authorizing euthanasia or abortion, he says, is completely lacking in binding moral force and must be resisted (Ev. 72, 73).

Prayer:- Holy Spirit, creator of all life. We cry out to you as a people, who have sinned by being unconcerned and at times even supportive of programs to end life.
As we repent , pour into us, as a nation, a new revelation, to honor this gift and support life , until you ordained to take it away. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Friday, March 4, 2011

Corruption in High Places.......Begins Within! - FR CONRAD SALDANHA

The moment we think that corruption has been curbed, it then erupts all over again.  For corruption is always part of us and in us. If someone says; “the malaise is deep in society”, we may say yes to it in complete agreement.  But when I say; “that the malaise of corruption is deep in us”, then one raises an eyebrow of doubt. No one wants to fault themselves. This problem is as old as creation itself. Adam blamed Eve and the story continues in increasing measure.

How corrupt can the most innocent and the saintly man be? When Scripture tell us that “all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God” (Rm. 3:23) then it also reminds the faithful people of God about our individual state of corruption.
In our time it is a common theme, in the church to speak against corruption in government and other places. I find this no different than the political game of the shrewd politicians who play the blame game and even go to the extent of attributing every calamity to a foreign hand so as to distract the people’s attention from their own failures and problems. This in no way means that we should not seek to eliminate or voice our concern against the evil of corruption rooted in society.  But the misplaced priorities will not allow us to speak at right moments and situations but will only make us speak with a populist agenda and aimed at distracting our detractors.

In the Church, which includes you and me, can be seen much of what we are talking about here. But even to point a finger at the church as something external to ourselves is a corruption of thinking. It is like looking at an external figure to make a scapegoat of.  When we fail in our response to our Lord and Master to reach out in proclaiming the good news of Christ and find all kinds of excuses not to do so we are, in a way, contributing to corruption in society. To be fixated on proclaiming gospel values apart from Christ, who alone gives substance and true meaning to values, is as good as corrupting the message of God.

There are degrees and levels of corruption in society. If I rob a man of his image and dignity then perhaps few would bother but if I rob a man of all his living than many would object to it.  There are human priorities which may not always see corruption as it is supposed to see.  We keep worrying about these externals, and if the media were to rake up an issue, it bothers everyone and everyone wants to jump into the bandwagon to denounce and reduce a person or governing individuals and bodies to nothingness.

Just as human beings have their priorities, we too as Christians need to know that there are Godly priorities too. There are sin’s that bother us, our consciences are much stricken and we may get worked up about this. Yet there are more sinful acts that we commit, and our conscience may never disapprove of. Often we see the mole in our brother’s eye, whilst, ignoring the log in our own eye (cfr.Mt.7:3-5). We cast stones at others as if we are sinless and innocent beings (cfr.Jn. 8:7). We ourselves may walk in all types of corruption in opposition to the Word of God, and yet may be bothered about other people’s sin.  In the hierarchy of order, the breaking of God’s commandments is the gravest of sin and wrongdoing, more than anything that our human agenda may be seeking to correct. For these are God’s priorities. They were given us by Him, so that we would come to a knowledge, of our acts of wrongdoings, when compared to these commandments of God. If in spite of being the inheritors of the commandments we still falter, what would happen to us if we did not have the commandments?

Since by nature i.e. our fallen nature is corrupt, we are in need of a savior to save us from this body doomed to corruption (cfr. 7:24); a conscience ill formed and mind that is carnal and hostile to God (cfr. Rom.8:7). We need to hear the Word of life, the Word of freedom that can set us free. Today the greatest corruption in the Church is to reduce the Word of God and find faults in its many words. There are some, who assert with arrogance and say that the human sciences are much more tested and true than God’s word. This is like attacking the very institution that is able to save us from corruption; killing the very goose that gives the golden egg. The secular governments of the world in order to fight corruption need to create institutions that will keep a check on the corruption that humans in authority are prone to. But in the Church we don’t really require such institution to handle corruption because we have the Word of God and a living faith whereby the God of all history is still at work in our midst and among His chosen ones. But when individuals in the Church reject the very Word that brought them into existence then it will even reject the institutions that flows from it; the magisterium. As a consequence, we will have an institution of autocracy and dictatorship, seeking obedience from others, and they themselves obedient to no one. In other words, even if there is any obedience then it is only in the external forum; personally they would ignore, or even encourage rebellion, against the Church of Christ. Rightly did Jesus say; “by their fruit you shall know what manner of tree it is”! (Lk.6:44).

By rejecting the Word of God, there would be a new program which would be worldly, and we would have forums and institutions to fight evil and corruption external to itself, shallow, rather than measures to fight the corruption within.  We could have new visions and mission statements rather than finding our mission in Christ’s mission for us.

When would an institution or a firm think of changing its mission or having a new vision-mission statement? There could be only two situations in which this could happen:
   1) If the new boss has taken over. 
   2) If the previous vision has been a failure. 
The above seems apparently true in reality! Who is that deceiver that has taken over from Christ? But for those who hold on to the faith of Christ neither of the two has happened and yet we have parishes which have been encouraged to have a new vision-mission statement rather than find their vision and mission in Christ’s vision for us. He is still the boss in the church, He owns it for He has purchased us in His precious blood and His mission still holds true now and for all generation to come. There’s a dearth of theologians who could point out the corruption in an institution which is supposed to act as light of the world. Is it that instead of we, influencing the world the allure of the world has managed to influence us.

Instead, the priority now is to build a community–a human priority based on issue based unity.  It seems a competition with Hitler and the ilk, which forged a great unity of their people and their cause too seemed noble and patriotic, at least for those living in their era. That was an issue based community too. The necessity and priority of community building and unity has given way to much more important values of life. Truth of Christ has become a lesser value than human values and reasoning’s, which ultimately seeks to suppress every voice of dissent and gathering up people who are like minded and suits their designs. Communities not based on the Gospel but based on worldly values, are destructive of the institution of Christ.

The proliferation of New Age practices in the name of spirituality and then presenting it in a so called Christianized pill is abhorrent and another example of corruption. I often hear of text taken out of context from hagiographical writings and sacred Scripture as supportive evidence for propounding false ideologies and the practice of such spiritualities.

The God revealed by Christ JESUS takes a corrupt feminine form and theology becomes a perspective which carries with it aspect of male battering. Those who propagate this may go to every extent to save a woman and in the bargain may not realize that they have crucified a thousand other women to the cross of immense suffering and pain. The blind has led the blind, and they fall into the pit of corruption is near at hand (cfr. Mt.15:14).  The Scripture assures us of human dignity even in undignified situations (cfr.2Cor. 4:7-14).

The Sociological perspective does the noble job of imputing no guilt to individuals. New terms have to be used to describe old sinful activities so that they may not be condemned in this life and the eternal does not matter.  Whereas old concepts to describe a Christian as a fundamentalist and conservative is perfectly legitimate to these social corrupts. The contradictions between the one and the other don’t matter because the corruption of truth teaches that truth can never be objective and that it is relative. Yet what is relative to them they will hold on to it objectively!

Dialogue becomes the new and absolute methodology for solving existential problems because of one’s arrogant confidence in self to know and understand all truth. Not to recognize one’s corrupt self is the greatest form of corruption. Even in our dialogue if the ultimate goal of Proclamation of Christ has no place than that dialogue is movement towards growing in corruption. “Christ, the final Adam, by the revelation of the mystery of the Father and His love, fully reveals man to man Himself and makes His supreme calling clear”. (Vat. II, GES, Para. 22:1). Hence the foremost dialogue is that of the self with the Supreme Being who has revealed Himself to us in Christ Jesus and thus makes us fit for dialogue with others as His instrument through the working of the Holy Spirit. Similarly, on the other hand, if this supreme calling is not made clear to others, through the preaching of the Gospel, than it is only wallowing in deception. The worst form it takes is, when the very proponents of dialogue show intolerance, and assert themselves.  Is it because he is He? Be careful if someone calls you to dialogue only to make you a victim of his corrupt deception!

The worst form of corruption is when the right thought and sane thinking is suppressed and those who hold on to destructive liberal views are encouraged to the hilt.  The ones, who point out the vacuum in thinking, could be falsely accused and hounded and even stripped and exposed for public maligning. One would only gather-up yes men in their coterie, and men who oppose only the externals but internally are quite at home with the darkness of corruption. Abuse of power is the order of the day because we have allowed this coterie to speak to our consciences like the false prophet of old rather than allowing God to speak and at whose service we were ordained. Ordained to be His instrument and yet instrument of one’s own voice. By rejecting the Lord we become not His witnesses, but rather continue to remain a slave of Satan.

In the great teaching of Christ, in the Gospel of Luke Ch. 18:10-14,  there is hope for those who are corrupt or rather for those who acknowledge their corruption in life, but there is no hope for those who refuse to see their own corruption. (Who in reality are the real corrupt, like the ruling Pharisee in this Gospel passage).  Awareness and knowing does not lead us to freedom but it is grace working in us through faith.(cfr.Eph.2:8) Christ Jesus’ very mission in life was to free us from this bondage to sin and corruption and set us free for God.

Prayer: Father help me to acknowledge my sinfulness always and give me the humility of spirit to know my true self and that apart from you I cannot be freed from my corrupt way of life.  Help me to recognize that your sacrifice on the cross was on account of the corrupt sinful ways of men and that your willing surrender to the cruelty of men was to free us from all corruption. Come to me Lord and free me.