Friday, February 4, 2011


The great upheaval in the Arab world calling for a change of government often intrigues me at the demands of the masses. They surely want the man at the top to be out.
What could be the possible reason for such a demand? Maybe they have seen it all for many years, the same regime, the same face, perhaps an iron hand of autocratic rule and now they are fed-up wanting a change at any cost.
Added to it could be the joblessness and low wages caused by an economic slump and they can’t take it anymore.  They cannot easily afford the technology even though their modern education gives them access to such things. Or could it be the envy of a neighbour’s wellbeing or a hope that is rooted in religious ideals?
Yet in the midst of such turmoil there seems to be a sure hope towards a life of comfort, a prosperous nation catering to their needs and which will ultimately work for the ideals of its people. A nation that will have at the heart a deep concern for its peoples and strive to provide for their welfare.  Enough! We will no more take it. Patriotism is visible and to add to their immediate hope they have seen the fruit of a successful uprising in their neigbourhood.
What intrigues me the most is the hope of the human heart. The human heart can often hope to the extent of a dream based on idealism.  The kingdom of justice, peace and prosperity, the kingdom of brotherhood where every person walks hand in hand with each other with respect and dignity.  Where there will be no hunger or disease or infighting. All ages have seen this and in the midst of the tyranny and suffering there is a new hope born in the human heart. Yet we never stop hoping!
In the Scriptures we have the example of the people of Israel who aware of their moment of insecurity caused by the constant fight against their warring neighbor approach Samuel for a King over Israel.      “Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him, "Behold, you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint for us a king to govern us like all the nations."” 1 Sam 8:4-5

Their demands too are based on hope which is born of an envy of their neighbours and the insecurities of their hearts. Scripture tells us about the sure hope of truth; the hope that does not disappoint. This implies a possibility of an another kind of hope that could disappoint; a hope that is based on false thinking.

Though this act of the people displeases Samuel and God, yet God does not reject their demands.  “Now then, hearken to their voice; only, you shall solemnly warn them, and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them." 1 Sam 8:9

And not without a warning; there is consequence for basing one’s decision on false hope. However logical one’s argument may be but to hope based on the human reasoning and dream is dangerous and detrimental for one’s future and the generation to follow. God warns the Israelites as follows: “And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves; but the Lord will not answer you in that day." 1 Sam 8:18

We have a Godly perspective of things and so very true. The peoples reasoning’s were apparently true and God’s reasoning was absolutely true.  In other words there is a flaw in every perspective and yet one could definitely be better than the other as we see in the above passage from 1 Samuel. God many a time respects our perspective of things yet it does not mean it’s the right decision. The right decision is always based on discerning God’s will which may at time seem foolish even to the majority. For example; a whole nation may opt for the pill of abortion yet it can never be God’s will even if human reasoning has a contrary and logical view.
A Christian may in keeping with the situation struggle side by side along with other peoples yet his struggle with them cannot include an idealistic perspective of achieving or seeking to accomplish a kingdom of idealism; where justice, peace, brotherhood will exist in perfect harmony. To believe in such a doctrine goes against the very essence of sound Anthropology. For even Christ does not assure us such a perfect kingdom for his believers here on earth; “Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division”. Luke 12:51

But we shall have that perfect kingdom for which He will come again to take us to; the heavenly Jerusalem. In this life we struggle in the imperfections of ordinary life in order to make it better even as Christ seeks to make us perfect:  “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit”. 2 Cor 3:18

Prayer: Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done. Lord each time I pray this prayer may I strive to seek your good, pleasant and perfect will and thus be an instrument to usher in your kingdom.

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